Okay so this is how it all began. A year ago I(f21) got back in contact with my old friend(m22). We were best friends growing up. Yes we had feelings for each other. We acted on them but never dated. We both moved on and that’s when I met my current ex(m21). Me and him dated since May of 2019. We moved out together. We eventually both got better paying jobs and were able to afford to rent a house. Around two-three years into our relationship, i got back in contact with my old friend. So flashforward to this January. I have been back in contact with my friend. I knew his birthday was coming up and I wanted to go see him and celebrate with him and his family. He shared with me that he wasn’t only going back home because of his birthday but also because his dad was sick and he wanted to check on him as well. Even more reason for me wanting to be there. I talked to my ex and asked him if I could go. He said yes. I went for five days. NOTHING HAPPENED. No funny business just had fun seeing my old friend and getting to meet his family. I didn’t spend as much time as I thought I would with my friend so I spent the rest of the time relaxing at the place I was staying at. I got to thinking about how sad I was and how my partner was behaving. I’ve tried breaking up with him several times but he always pulled me back in. Staying alone in a house by myself made me realize how nice it was living in a house that’s quiet and clean. I don’t have to clean up somebody’s mess and throw up. After my trip and driving back home I felt sad. I wasn’t excited to come back home. When I got back home, I told him I wanted a break. Just for a little while so I could think. He was upset but said okay. We agreed we were still exclusive to each other. I’m still his girlfriend I just needed time to be alone for a little while. After some time had passed,I remember the night before we broke up, I talked with my mom for almost two hours. I didn’t go into detail I just told her I hate when he drinks and smoked. (I told him when we first started dating smokers are deal breakers for me) I also told her it made me sad that I always include him in my family and friend life but I know that his friends don’t really like me. His friends in our 4 years of being together have only hung out with me maybe 5 times. They have told him on numerous occasions to break up with me. That I’m controlling and im the reason why he can’t go out with his friends. I have never told him he couldn’t. I occasionally tell him to take out the trash or clean the cat pan. I’ve expressed several times to him that it makes me frustrated that while I clean the whole house and cook for the both of us, that it takes days for him to do the stuff I need him to do. When I end up doing his chores, he gets mad and tells me he was going to do it. I have also spoken to him that I don’t care if he does go out with friends just please do your chores in the two days off you have. He sometimes does if he remembers. My mom told me not everyone is the same or perfect. I have to learn to compromise. She also told me that how can his friends not like you if they don’t even know you. Tell him that you want to make an effort to hang out with them and get to know them more. The next day I told him I was coming back from work at 7. I wanted to surprise him because it was his day off. I got home at 6. I heard him playing with his friends online. I came in the room (he has his own game room with a bed in it)and asked him if we could talk after he got off. He said yes. I took a nap and when I woke up he wasn’t in the house. I thought it was weird he didn’t wake me up. I got up and texted him that I needed to go to the gas station. I walked outside and saw him at the end of our porch on the floor on the phone. When he saw me he immediately told the other person on the phone “hey I got to go.”. Then he got up and was visibly upset. I asked him what was wrong he said nothing. Then asked what I wanted to talk about. I told him about all the things me and my mom talked about. Then he got mad. He said that I was shit talking his friends. I tried explaining to him that’s not what I meant. I was trying to voice what bothered me and what we can do to fix it. It lead to a fight and he said I want to break up. I cried and I just laid in my room. He came in my room and laid down next to me to talk some more. He fell asleep (He later told me he was drunk when this happened.) talking to me. That’s when his phone started blowing up. I thought it was important because whoever it was, was texting and calling nonstop. I tried to wake him up and tell him he was getting phone calls. I picked up his phone and that’s when it all started making sense to me. I saw H(f26) (his female coworker/friend who is married with two kids)was calling him. I told him hey your coworker is calling you. He immediately snatched the phone away from me and went back to sleep. I knew then something was up. ( I know it’s wrong to go through someone else’s phone. And my gut was telling me to and I’m glad I did.) I waited for him to fall into deep sleep. Then I was able to get his phone while he was sleeping. I read all the messages between him and her. They were flirtatious messages but not technically cheating. I also saw messages of him complaining about me but he wasn’t tell her the whole story to make him look better. She would tell him about how he’s a hard worker and that he doesn’t need to put up with someone that doesn’t appreciate him. I also saw messages of her telling him that if we ever need help in the bedroom that she could help him. She sent a picture of a book of different things we could try in the bedroom. I had enough and just wanted to delete any photos he had of me on his phone. I went to his gallery and that’s when I found what I was dreading. A single screenshot of deleted messages. I sent it to myself and deleted it from the messages between us on his phone. I didn’t know this at the time but he never hung up the discord call on his computer and his friends were still able to listen to everything. I immediately started screaming at him. He woke up and got mad that I went through his phone. I told him F that what the hell. This whole time your friends thought I cheated on you on my trip while for two months you were cheating on me with your coworker. I screamed some more and he wanted me to leave. I told him tough shit this is my house just as much as it’s his. He left for a little while with a friend of his and now present day. We are now on good terms. He said what he wanted to say and apologized. He wants me to take him back. I told him that he has hurt me a lot. I told him it’s not through lack of love because I’m very much still in love with him. It’s his behavior and vices. I’m not going to pretend like I’m a perfect girlfriend. I have also made my mistakes. I am just lost. I don’t know what to do. Typing everything down and rereading everything, I would tell whoever wrote this to run as fast as she could. Yet here I am still in the house that me and him share. He hurt me very much. There is so much information and context I’m probably forgetting to type. To anyone who was ever cheated on and stayed with their partner, please how did you get over it.
(Yes she knew he was in a relationship with me and he knew she is married with kids.)

  1. Good God. Learn to use paragraphs. Not gonna even try to read this wall of text.

  2. First of all … tell her husband ..second of all…put his shit outside and change the locks. He ain’t worth shit.

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