I met a potential friend at a social event last month(we’re both guys). I asked for his insta and he gave it to me. His account was private and after over a week of him not accepting me I unsent it. There was an upcoming party in his hometown and I mentioned in a group chat he and I were mutually in, that I wouldn’t be able to make the upcoming party

The guy sent me a private text and said I should definitely come to the upcoming party. I told him I didn’t want to because it was a few hours away from my town and didn’t wanna pay for a hotel again. He then offered for me to stay at his place. I accepted.

Five hours after I left his house he sent me a request on Instagram I accepted (mind you my account is also private) I then sent him a request to his private account and after several days he still didn’t accept my request which I found so weird. Why would he have access to see everything I do but I can’t. Inthen removed him from my followers and sent him a request again and after two weeks he still hasn’t accepted it. Isn’t this a red flag? Isn’t that really strange or weird?

  1. Yeah that’s a little weird

    After the 1s time I was prepared to give it a pass but not the others.

    My bet is he has a GF or something.

    Are you also a guy?

  2. Gen Z here, that’s weird. Does he have a small follower count? Like, under 50? It could just be very close friends. Otherwise, just weird.

  3. Throwing out a weird potential because I am the other guy in this situation sometimes:

    I have a Facebook. It’s got like 150+ friends on it, but I don’t add certain people to it, even if they know about it. It’s nothing bad, it just feels like it’s crossing social boundaries for me.

    That Facebook is all relatives, family friends, old classmates / current classmates, etc. And it’s frankly awful – lots of racist posts from family, pro Trump garbage, people whining about people not wanting to work one moment and begging for scraps because their skeleton crew McDonalds job cut their hours again. If it wasn’t literally the only way to see baby cousins and nieces / nephews, I wouldn’t bother. Generally, I still don’t bother – my feed just makes me angry. I add my real friends to other types of social media or text them.

    Now is this probably the case? No. But it’s probably something mostly benign. I’d just message him asking why he won’t add you back. No point in getting worked up about potential worst case scenarios atm.

  4. Just ask him randomly, in the middle of convo.. Why you don’t accept me on Instagram? .. And see what he says

  5. Not weird, some people don’t want to add people and that’s their right. People forget that said person doesn’t have to add you. It’s so common on social media to expect stuff. But not everyone’s the same. My guy guy.

  6. Sounds like a whole lot of drama. Happy I don’t use instagram. What do you actually get out of it?

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