What is your response when someone calls you “high maintenance?”

  1. “Thank you for being honest that you don’t have the resources to be with me.”

  2. Probably something like, “Why do you say that?”

    If someone is insecure about themselves, they are welcome to move on. I’m maintaining myself; if you don’t like the standards by which I choose to do so, you are welcome to keep your eyes on your own paper instead of spending your time judging mine

  3. My therapist has told I’m not 😄 So I’ll just roll my eyes and never talk to that lazy person again

  4. “So?” Whether I am or not, there is nothing wrong with that. Or being low maintenance. Or anywhere in the middle.

  5. My definition of high maintenance is a person who feels entitled to constant attention, priority and entertainment, so assuming whoever called me this shared this view, I’d ask them to elaborate and take a good, hard look at myself and see if there were some truth to it. There are so many people who become entitled and/or needy in close relationships without ever realising it themselves, so if it were me, I’d definitely want to know and do something about it.

    But if they mean it as another way of saying “how dare you not tolerate the bare minimum”, then they can fuck off.

  6. I just say “Okay.” If they think that it’s no my problem that can be their perception. I don’t care.

  7. That’s fine, because I maintain myself.

    I’ve found what most to consider “low maintenance” is really just a person sacrificing their own boundaries and self love for others. No thank you.

  8. People are more likely to call me difficult rather than high maintenance.

  9. I’ve never been accused of this


    Other people’s opinions of me are none of my business

  10. They are right. I absolutely can be. I can also be extremely laid back and go with the flow.

    I enjoy both parts of my personality. If someone is saying this to me negatively they clearly do not and I will create some space between us.

  11. I’m like the opposite of that, so I’d probably just laugh and be like “Huh? I don’t get it.”

  12. High maintenance or highly committed? I’d say it’s a compliment unless it’s being stated because of something negative.

  13. “I’d rather adjust my life to your absence than the presence of your low standards. I work very hard for the things that I like and the way that I live. If that’s not for you, I respect it, but don’t knock my standards simply because you don’t fit them. That’s a you problem.”

  14. I have an issue with relying on others. I always pay for myself and buy my own things, I do not ask for anything. I even get fussy when my boyfriend offers to pay for my dinner. Also my clothing is like stuff I picked up from family dollar cause I needed cloaths at the time and I work next to a family dollar. If someone ever called my high maintenance I would be so surprised. And ask what their definition of low maintenance was.
    Hight maintenance socially? I would tell them to leave me alone so I can play my video games in peace.

  15. If by „high maintenance“ they mean, that I have schedules because I work and have kids and like 2,5 friends I want to see, and I have a hobby, and sometimes being this adult stresses me out a little, then hell yes, I’m high maintenance. If this person is then still somehow bothered by this, then they can go and maintain someone, who is free of adult problems 🤷🏼‍♀️

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