What makes you proud to be a woman?

  1. My ability to create life. It feels so cool to be able to do that, like deity level achievement unlocked!

  2. In general the female body. We’re capable of so many things that seem inhuman and we just nail them.

  3. Nothing, I just happen to be one and it’s not something I chose (I only feel pride in things I can pick/work towards, like what I do with my body, rather than features I grew up with from being AFAB).

  4. Every day I’m in awe of women’s emotional depth and willingness to dig into that.

  5. I’m not proud to be a woman, I just am a woman. I’m proud of the things I achieve in life.

  6. I went to a baseball game last week where I got my period a week earlier than usual. I was panicking in the bathroom because there were no more pads or tampons left in the dispenser and I was with my brother and a few of his guy friends so they didn’t have anything. Out of the blue a nice middle-aged woman (probably mid-50s) handed me (21F) a pad from her purse and told me it was going to be OK. I was starting to cry and on the verge of a panic attack and she handed me a pad without hesitation or frustration.

    I fucking love women supporting other women

  7. The solidarity and care amongst fellow women. So much love and support 🥰🥰🥰

  8. Why would I be proud of something I had no control over and is not a result of my work/skills/talent/commitment?

  9. Our strength. The world tries to tear us down everyday, but we are incredibly resilient.

  10. Fascinating that the two most common responses I’m seeing are nothing (I just *am* a woman) and people being proud of womanhood (women helping women, the solidarity that comes with the experience of living in a patriarchal society, etc.)

    And the body-related ones are also great. Proud of the strength that inherently comes with the female body and is often overlooked or overshadowed by “traditional” ideas of strength that tend to be associated with masculinity.

    I think I agree to some extent at least with all of these

  11. My superior intelligence, stable chromosomes, the potential my body has for literally creating life if I want (even though I choose not to ever have children), my superior health.

  12. #The company!!!

    I’m delighted to count myself among the women of the world throughout history and our amazing accomplishments!

  13. Today I was walking down a footpath with my sleeping baby and two women walking their dogs were coming me. They stopped me to warn me there was a man being shady a bit further up and I might not want to go any further. He’d followed them and then was chilling behind a wall. So we all walked the other way together and the entire time I was like ‘fuck yeah women are cool’.

  14. That despite being automatically weaker than half the population I am a survivor

  15. The fact that compared to men, we do little harm to other people, nature and property. Doing no harm is something to be proud of.

  16. How much physical pain we can endure and go on with our lives as if it’s not happening. I just think men particularly struggle with this, and act like the world is ending with any level of bodily discomfort. It makes me laugh and it also makes me feel powerful lol.

  17. Nothing, I do not view the nature of my being as a point of pride but rather my personal accomplishments

  18. I can bleed and feel extreme pain and still function as a regular member of society. It’s like a super power. No one knows I’m bleeding and doing all the things everyone does day in and day out

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