He’s in my thoughts every second. I can’t concentrate on anything. All i do everyday is think about him and wait for his texts. I’m the one who mostly initiates conversations. I replay a video of us and keep looking at old text messages constantly. I’m attached to him so much. Even at night i get excited to sleep so that I can dream about him. We’re in a relationship for 2 months now and were friends prior. I know this is unhealthy and indicates that i’ve no life. I feel like my relationship consumes me. I can’t concentrate on anything and neglect important things. What can I do ? Any advice is appreciated highly. Note that he’s my first boyfriend.

Tl;DR- im obsessed with my boyfriend and I can’t focus on anything else but think about him everyday even dream about him every night. Any advice?

  1. It’s great that you’re aware of the situation and seeking advice. Maybe try setting aside specific times during the day to think about him or text him, and use the rest of your time to focus on other important things in your life. Remember, a healthy relationship should enhance your life, not consume it.

  2. It is amazing that you are this self aware, this means you will get over it. You are in a honeymoon phase of this relationship. Enjoy this for now. If it is still this way a year from now seek counseling from a professional.

  3. It’s called new relationship energy. Take a step back to focus and realize he is not your whole existence. He should not be. That is super backwards and unhealthy. You need to foster other relationships and remember this is a chemical reaction in your brain. It will pass, and he will unlikely be the last person to make you feel this way. We rarely get things right the first go around when they are as complicated as romance. Enjoy it, but do other stuff too. He will become bored of you if you are constantly in his face. Let him miss you a little. Remind him of all the great qualities you bring to the table. Love yourself first and best.

  4. I’m not trying to scare or diagnose you, but I have the same experience, and I was diagnosed with OCD. You might have a disorder. I think you should seek a therapist or counselor. If you can see a social worker, even better. They seem to care more, from my experience. I couldn’t find safe medication, and I’m mostly against it. But knowing my issue, researching it, and learning from a social worker changed my life. I also got really lucky and found someone also obsessed with me. Feeling the love you give out returned is huge. But you have to realize, if you have a lot of love to give, it might be hard or even impossible to find someone who can match it. I feel like a lot of people would brush this off as young love. But I hear your desperation, because I completely understand it. And I don’t think it’s healthy. I got the strong feelings too, way too soon. With too many. If you let someone become your whole world, it does feel like the world is ending when they’re gone. It took my world ending a few times before I realized life goes on, and you can love again. Loving too much is definitely a blessing and a curse. I really think you should talk to a professional about it though. You could be like me, or have some other issue like depression. You can overcome anything! Much love to you.

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