In Guinea there would be some parents who would be at least partially ashamed if there sons were to become politicians.

  1. A lot of people hate politicians in a generalized sense but it’s often more of a “I hate every Congressperson but my own” type thing. Senator or Representative is an extremely high prestige job easily comparable with doctors/lawyers/etc.

  2. highly dependent on the family. there are families where generations of members have all been politicians. in that circle, im sure its a point of pride

  3. Politicians are indeed hated here. They are targeted alot personally. Many hire personal bodyguards

    That being said
    There is a reason aoc and majority Taylor Greene are not rushing to quit their jobs. It’s still a well respected position that opens doors to countless job opportunities

    For example

    Republicans voting against environmental regulations than having oil jobs waiting for them when they leave

  4. It’s become an embarrassment, people who didn’t finish high school like that moron Boebert who is dumb as a sack of shit and Santos who is an unabashed con man … do you understand how big of a scum bag you gave to be in order to be the biggest liar in Congress????

  5. Yeah I hate politicians but if someone told me their son was in politics, I’m not going to be an asshole to them about it for no reason. There’s tons of jobs I hate, like lobbyist, HR rep, but I’m not going to be a dick to people.

  6. The United States is a funny place: we hate all politicians–but ours. (That is, if you poll the average American about their feelings about Congress, they’ll poll worse than used car salesmen as the most dishonest sons-of-bitches on the planet. But if you ask Americans how they feel about their own elected officials–they often poll very well: trustworthy, hard working, good at their jobs.)

    I’ve actually interacted with several local politicians at the city level years ago–and yes, it’d be something a family would brag about: “yes, my son is a city councilman; my daughter is a state senator.” (I’ve heard one or two proud parents say exactly this sort of thing.)

    In a way, politicians (especially local politicians) are local celebrities, sort of like Hollywood stars–but uglier.

  7. Most people dislike congress.
    Local politicians yes, and that is truly the most important, people appreciate.

    Senators are respected. Politics in general here divides people like crazy, doom scrolling on here or any other you clearly see bias everywhere.

    But admitting to your cross-stateline friends/family who you vote for? You’ll lose friends the culture war is that gross; next question should be family get-together on Thanksgiving. Fun conversations.

    But yes most parents would be proud.

  8. In the US there’s a general bipartisan agreement that Politicians rank below used car salesman and Nigerian Princes in the respectability category

  9. Negative opinions about politicians predate Reddit and the internet itself, no doubt going back 1,000s of years.

  10. Depends on the family, but it is quite prestigious to be a politician despite how much many of us dislike politicians in general. Politicians at a higher level especially make a lot of money,

  11. A mother is going to brag on her kid regardless. Beto O’Rourke’s mother, a self-proclaimed Republican, still has gone on the record to praise her son, a Democrat.

  12. The position is respected. The problem is in the sad reality that modern American politics is a way to get rich and advance your own agenda rather than serve and help the people.

  13. If I got to introduce my child as a US Senator, that’d be super cool.

    I’m not aware of anybody in my personal life who would hate that, even if it’s on the other side of the aisle. It’s still a very interesting job.

  14. It depends. If you’re going into politics some people will hate you no matter what. But I think there are a lot of local politicians that are widely popular, and if you go into politics with the motivation that this is the way you want to help serve your community rather than going in because you want power over other people then that’s the difference.

  15. I think it can vary by community. I’m American of Indian descent, and when I was elected to local office, I got written up in Indian publications around the world. Like this was for a town office.

    If I became a state senator or something, not federal, it’s be huge.

  16. An American politician is looked at with either indifference, is hated, or worshiped but become nearly immune to legal consequences. It get real weird here State side.

  17. Given the current state of politics, it’s usually not a well regarded profession these days.

  18. For its original purpose. Yes it was a very honored and respectable position. Now our country is so corrupt and beyond repair. These politicians are making so many bad choices for our country and the little guy who busts his ass is just trying to live . I love my country and it hurts so much watching it get destroyed from the inside out . There is no such thing as a good politician. Republican / democrat/ other . Doesn’t matter . They’re just in for themselves.

  19. many people hat politicians because the most visible politicians (presidents, governors of florida, etc) are the people who are actively ruining our lives and trying to implement laws that allow the indiscriminate killing of my friends & family (like desantis or cop supporters).

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