Can any men help me out with signs of when your other half loves you but doesn’t like you, prefers spending time with friends, etc.?

  1. You already wrote in a different post that he doesn’t want to spend time with you and you asked him without result.

    Assume he doesn’t. What does it change? What would you do knowing he isn’t interested in changing?

  2. You don’t need someone to tell you generic signs of when someone loves but doesn’t like their partner, you need to take control of your own situation and make a decision about what you want to do about your marriage.

    Generic signs of a similar dynamic don’t matter. What matters is that *you* don’t feel fulfilled in *your* marriage, and that nothing ever changes despite you presumably trying to bring it to his attention again and again.

    You need to make it known to your husband that you’re having serious doubts about your marriage. You need to think about and communicate what you want and what you need from him in order to make those doubts go away. If he can’t give those things to you, you need to have a conversation about why that is and, eventually, decide if perhaps you need to part ways.

    It doesn’t matter if he’s cheating, which is something you point out in your [other post]( that he’s probably not. Sometimes, nothing “truly bad” needs to happen in order for a marriage to be over. Cheating is bad, but not caring or not getting along is bad too.

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