Because I have voiced that I am uncomfortable with it, he has not done it while we have been together. It also makes me insecure that he has sexual/flirtatious history with almost all of his female “friends”. Because of this he does not engage with most of them, or does so with boundaries. I can’t tell if I am overly distrustful and insecure, or if this could be a red flag to be aware of

  1. Red flag.

    Flirting isn’t cheating, but it sure is threatening.

    If he wants to keep flirting with “friends”, I’d bail, it’ll just leave you insecure and paranoid.

  2. And exactly how do you tell if there is no intention to follow through? anyways, its not cheating but it is disrespectful as fuck, it is certainly one of the steps to cheating though. Toss in some booze and suddenly its on. Course then it isnt his fault, it is the booze and he didnt know what he was doing..its ok, though cuz you will forgive him since you love him… Some people like being disrespected, particularly when they do it right in front of them. Maybe that is you? Drama fuels everything around you? if so this should be something enjoyable.

  3. It’s very disrespectful to you and your relationship and it certainly can lead to cheating. Don’t accept this. How will it make you feel when you see him flirting with other women (or hear about it).

  4. It’s up to you to decide if flirting is acceptable or not.

    And then to tell him.

    And he can choose not to agree to those terms.

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