I was wondering if you are happy and why or why not ? I have no intention so feel free to understand the question as you like

  1. Sometimes yes and sometimes no. I have a lot of past trauma that causes me a lot of pain and sadness. I’m lonely quite a lot of the time. I have chronic pain a lot of the time. I am super worried about society and the state of the world.

    But… I have a good job and a lovely place to live. I have a cute dog. I have some lovely friends. I love my brother to bits. I have beautiful nature on my door step. And sometimes I’m hopeful.

    Sometimes I’m happy and sometimes I’m sad. Mostly I’m a mixture of both and everything in between.

  2. My mood fluctuates based on what is going on in my life. Right now I’m about to graduate from my top-choice school and start my top-choice job, so I’m pretty happy!

  3. No. I feel lonely. Iā€™m young but wish I could find someone to share my life with. Just have a best friend I could sit with at the end of the day and know he looks forward to me too.

  4. No, the chemistry in my brain is chronically off so I’m sad, anxious and exhausted almost 100% of the time

  5. Yes, I am. I’m a lot more focused, started gym a few weeks ago and I’m eating better.

  6. No. I feel like Iā€™m not enough for my boyfriend and he can do better so I want to break up with him.

  7. Not happy at all. Iā€™m a psychiatry resident and Iā€™m burnt out. I feel taken advantage of, under appreciated, and trapped. I have few friends because work has sucked up all of my time an energy.

  8. I think I have a hormonal issue and certain times of my cycle Iā€™m incredibly unhappy. Right before my period I get either super sad or absolutely irate, and when Iā€™m ovulating I feel insecure and hate myself. But the rest of the month Iā€™m peachy

  9. Depends on the day.

    After having been in a bad home situation, I am now in a great one. Healthy, loving relationship, no more money troubles. I’m very privileged right now. So I’m grateful for everything I have in my life and having all that makes me happy.

    But then there’s days when my poor health is so overwhelming, I get really unhappy. I am housebound even on a good day. On bad days, I can barely make it to the bathroom by myself.

  10. Ask me tomorrow when i’ve had some better sleep

    I have come to believe that happiness is kinda fleeting but so too is sadness. I think we need a bit of both honestly otherwise what drives us?

  11. yep. i’m happy. i’m not happy all the time, but even when i’m unhappy, i know that it will pass.

    why? well…that’s complicated i suppose, but in short…hope. i have hope, so i’m happy.

  12. Extremely. Happier than Iā€™ve been in my life.

    At 42 Iā€™m more comfortable in my own skin than ever before. Iā€™m great with my boundaries for the first time ever so Iā€™ve become a really good advocate for myself in ways I never could when I was younger.

    Im *crazy* in love with my husband; he makes me feel so precious and adored, and even after 2 kids our sex-life is on fire, so that endorphin hit twice a day certainly helps!

    I have two daughter who are such a joy. An 11 year old who is so creative and clever and kind, and a 1 year old who is just an adorable ball of sunshine right now.

    I am so lucky, and so grateful for it every day.

  13. Unbelievably happy šŸ™‚ I grew up in a really shit home & Iā€™ve managed to make life what I wanted it to be all along. Still have a lotta goals but my life is absolutely beautiful & every single moment of peace & joy & growth is like magic to me. šŸ¤©

  14. Some days (most days)I am, like I’m.really happy
    No faking towards it, no hiding, just me being genuinely happy.
    Why? I think I’m coming to sorts with myself, enjoying myself, just feeling good. Im in a new relationship so the highs and momentarily lows keep me slightly on an excited edge. Im releasing past just crap that has left me in to many loops. The continued sex life is a welcomed need that’s not been filled.

    Some days I’m not.. And those are difficult and dark.. But they are real and there and have nothing to do with my present.. They are only of the past… And I think what helps me with having more happy than not is the fact that I know the not happiest will always reside in my past..

    I can look back and shudder.. And I know I will at times… I also know that it’s ok because it’s past..

    I get now alot happier thinking what’s to come… I get excited..

  15. No. Happiness has always been a struggle for me.

    Even if we put aside my laundry list of mental health issues even as a very small child I’ve always been too serious, too sensitive, too melancholic, too self-aware, too observant to ever really be happy for any significant period of time.

    Ofc the suicidal tendencies, major depression, agoraphobia, cPTSD, ADHD and dissociative disorder + debilitating chronic pain certainly don’t help matters.

    On top of that due to a combination of the above and some complicated family circumstances I’m stuck playing caregiver to one of the people that I despise most in the entire world. I have sacrificed my own mental health, any work/career/money prospects, my chance at education/training, the majority of my 20’s and more than a significant chunk of my future when all this person has ever done is caused me pain and trauma. It drains me completely and each day that goes by the more detrimental to myself it becomes but I have no viable way out.

    Yet I do try to seek as many small mundane snatches of happiness that I can – the first sip of tea, a really good book, that song I can’t get out of head, laying in a patch of sunlight etc. Still at the end of the day I am unable to forget or escape the reality of my situation.

    I guess the thing that I hold on to as morbid as it may seem is that when that person finally passes on and I am free at last and although by then it’ll probably be far too late to rectify my scenario or being to build a life since I’m already tired all the way down to the marrow of my bones as it is – but despite the awfulness at least then I’ll finally be able to opt out & end it all without too much guilt.

  16. Happy.

    I’m full of love for the people in my life and proud of what I’ve accomplished. I’m very lucky to be me.

  17. Iā€˜m not really happy atm. I got a promotion at my job a few months back, and due to Multiple Sclerosis I had to call in sick for a couple days. I then had an infected gallbladder, which lead to a week of hospital and antibiotics. When I got back to my desk today, my boss called me in and informed me that not only was I being demoted again, but also not very reliable and I made him look like an idiot in front of his own boss. He didnā€™t care that I was really sick, just that he was the idiot in the end.

  18. So so happy. Iā€™m the mother of four beautiful and gifted intelligent daughters, married to the most gorgeous man Iā€™ve ever seen in my life, I lost 50 pounds about 2 years ago and am more attractive than Iā€™ve been ever. I have a fulfilling job where I make a difference. A great support system, and hobbies I get to indulge

  19. No but I’m getting there. I’m not constantly thinking of bad thoughts. With MH issues, loss of my mother this year, financial issues, relationship issues. But I have been getting back in routine and doing stuff even if I just don’t want to. So I’m getting there. I believe soon I will be happy.

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