The last thing I want to seem it toxic to my friends.
But I need some advice, I know that different people can share different perspectives that can help me.

So I’m friends with this guy, he’s 2 years younger then me. We’ve been friends for 3 years. We’re best friends. And he tells me I’m his only real friends. (I think I read to much into things) fast forward to today. We text everyday. And if we have problems we make sure to talk about it straight up.
fast forward to today. His sister had to give up her friend cause she was being mean. Understandable.

And my and guy friend were talking the situation,after he got back from LV. He said “ it’s a shame cause she could have went😒” I thought to myself. “I’m your best friend, why couldn’t I go? “(He originally told me that it was for there parents anniversary) I admit that it stung a bit. I was gonna ask why but I decided that , it not that big of a deal and just let it roll over. I feel like I suck for thinking this.

I just want someone to find me special? I want to hang out and have good friendships. Am I expecting too much?

  1. Let me see if I got the story correct. You are good friends with this guy for awhile now. He has a sister who let go of a friendship recently because the friend was not nice to her. Your friend got back from his parents anniversary trip and said it was a shame about the friendship breaking up. He mentioned that his sister’s ex friend could have come onto the trip and it triggered a bad feeling in you. You wish you could have been invited to something.

    I am unsure of your gender, if you are a girl then I can understand the parents not liking a mixed gender friendship, particularly if you are young and going on a trip. If you are both guys then I understand feeling bad about not being invited. My brother would invite his friend all the time on camping trips we went on. I had a girl cousin my age so she was my company on the trip. Anyways though. I get feeling bad, and it is okay to feel left out. You don’t need to suppress your feelings. The important part is you don’t allow those feelings to get out of control where you change your behaviour to shut someone out or to be mean.

    Keep being friends with this person. You may not get invited to everything. And I mean parents anniversary is not something important to the friendship you have with him, imo. Be part of things that involve your friend directly, such as their birthday (which you can always help plan), graduations, or whatever else. Best of luck!

  2. You don’t suck for thinking this way and you’re not expecting much. I would feel the same as you! You are special no matter what. however, just because he didn’t invite you it doesn’t mean that you are not special to him or that he doesn’t want to hang out with you. there might be a reason. if its very important to you then you can ask him like ” hey (friend) I’m just wondering, since your sister’s friend was invited, would it have been ok for me to come too? or was it only your parents + ur sister & her friend kinda thing? I’m just curious” or you can say directly ” I felt hurt when you said that cause it made me think I’m not special to you. ” then maybe he will say “NOooo! you are special to me its just that…. (he might gives you a good reason) if you give him the chance to explain.

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