Men who find it funny when woman seem pouty or mad, enlighten me what makes it so hilarious?

  1. It’s funny when another person seems to take life too seriously, especially if it’s over trivial things.

  2. Because grow up. Usually in situations this happens the women demands/expects something for nothing like they are owed. So watching a phyiscally grown women act like a child is both sad and/or funny.

  3. I guess it can seem absurd what she is pouting over or that some women think them getting upset would change the thing they are mad at – mainly because men learn that no matter the feelings things only tend to change (for them [?]) only through taking action rather than showing how displeased they are with something/someone.

  4. Women are not good at comedy (proof: see today’s female comedians trying to be funny LOL) but they can do slapstick comedy like being overly pouty or mad for comedic relief pretty well.

    I think its good comedy because we’ve ALL seen it for real IRL so it is more of a shared experience than slipping on a banana peel level of comedy.

  5. Someone said it but it’s 100% situational and there absolutely right.

    Although I know women typically react off emotions and there reactions might not think with caution but Ive seen some adult men act like complete babies too and even that gives me a laugh, If someone is laughing it’s most likely your response is exceeding the actual situation in the way your making it worse on yourself and around others..

  6. It 100% depends on the context.

    If it’s her go to thing in every situation, it’s gonna get old quick.

  7. Because I know that soon I’m going to hate fuck the shit out of her. And that amuses me.

  8. The fact that they sit there and stew in whatever’s bothering them expecting me to know what it is instead of being an adult and just telling me.

  9. Because it’s usually about some absolutely inane stuff, it causes grown woman act like a child while simultaneously demand being taken seriously and get more mad and act more like a child when man doesn’t want to play her game.

    Mostly it’s because man hasn’t yet grown tired of the show. It gets really old after few years if it’s constant tantrum and pouting.

  10. I’m usually the one making them that way, it gives them energy and me entertainment. 😉

  11. It depends on the situation but generally it’s because it reminds me of a toddler throwing a tantrum and trying to swing on you but your holding them at bay with an extended arm

  12. I used to find it funny when women threw a fit over something trivial or stupid… but that didn’t last very long…

    Then I tried resolving the problems rationally. But after a while I learnt that when women have stupid problems, they don’t want solutions to those problems. They just want to throw a tantrum for its own sake… and the only solution is to ignore it until it goes away and try to work with whatever is left.
    I don’t much care for it though. If they don’t want rational solutions to their problems then they should just shut the fuck up and keep it to themselves.

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