My (30sF) brother (30sM)dated a girl for a while that has a sad past , I won’t go into details because it could be identifying info but she had some really shitty things happen to her but fortunately got out of the situation. He told me some details about her situation and told me I could tell my husband but no one else.

I was hanging out with some friends yesterday and they asked why my brother and his GF broke up and I gave a vague answer and they were like “Oh I thought it might be because of * very specific and personal thing in her past *.” I was like, holy crap how did you know about that?? Friend proceeds to tell me even more details that my brother hadn’t even told me!! My mom (50sF) and my friend’s mom are buddies and my mom apparently told her and several other mutual friends!

Not sure what to do about this situation! Do I tell my brother? So he can decide if he trusts my mom with future personal info?? Should I confront my mom?? What do I even say to her? I am currently in therapy and we’re working on boundary setting (because OBVIOUSLY my mom has none and I never learned how) so I really don’t know what to do from here!

In the same conversation I also found out my mom told another friend about all these details about how I was mad at my mom and dad for disrespecting me and my boundaries for the millionth time. I didn’t really mind my friend knowing about it but why is my mom telling her?? And who else is she telling? I’m so frustrated.

TLDR my mom told a ton of personal info about my brother’s ex and I’m not sure what to say to either of them.

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