tl;dr I refuse to go back until I get a phone call from my husband to discuss our issues.

I 35F and husband 33M have had a bumpy start to my marriage and you can see the history. I feel my husband is a bit controlling. So this weekend came along and after all the arguement and bickering I wanted to take a break and come to my parents for an iftar dinner. they live in a different town and I wanted to fix some of the issues he had with my mother so I invited him. He said he wanted to come stay for a few days but I advised him you can only stay one day at my parents seperate unit. He said that he can stay longer since it belongs to me too. I felt that was a red flag and I advised unfortunatly it would be one day and usually i stay longer due to my work. At this point he said hes not going at all and I left and came to my hometown. After that day he hasnt talked to me for like 7 days. He tried calling me with a unknown number the day i was to return but he has too much pride to call with his own number. When I didnt answer he preceded to call my dad and told him that I left and didnt want him to stay longer and I was supposed to come back but I didnt. At this point I just dont want to go back unless he calls me and communicates with me. I dont want to go back into a house where I receive the silent treatment and he didnt even bother checking on me. I feel like hes a bit manipulative, vindicative. Last time we got in arguement and because I didnt lower my voice (didnt want the neighbours to hear) he started saying hes going to do something to himself and proceeded to bring out a knife and act like he was going to slash his wrist). He also said he would tell the police it was me. Last time he was going to throw my work laptop over the balcony because I refused to lower my voice and wanted to leave the house. These are things he does to threaten me to stop me from leaving and to lower my vocie so the neighbours dont hear. I also feel like I have things to work on especially when arguing I say im going to leave and i get loud and stern with my words. I feel like im so much happier in my hometown at home. everytime i want to come back to my hometown he gets upset, he says i go too much but i already told him my work is here and i have to go into the office at times. What do you think I should do? Shouldn’t he reach out to me since I gave up so much to go to his town. How do I solve this issue. Are we both just being immature? Or should I run because of what happens in our arguements?

  1. Don’t go back. Your husband’s behaviour is not normal at all. It’s only been 3 months and he is acting like this. Do not waste more time on him.

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