My friend (26F)years has been recently approached by a guy 6 years younger to her. He is showing a lot of interest while my friend is hesitating. I really don’t know what to advise her. Help please

  1. *Personally* that would be too young for me. I feel the gap in experience between 20 – 26 can be quite big sometimes.

    A 20 year old is in college or just starting a career, not even legal to drink yet. A 26 year old is finished and often set in a career, considering starting a family.

    I just feel the life stage between the age can cause incompatibility issues and too much pressure in the younger person.

    But it all depends on the individual really.

  2. He wants to have sex. Is he hot? Does she want to bang him? If it’s just for casual fun, I’m all for it, but a serious relation as a 6 years older woman? Nah.

    It could work, sure, but it’s kinda like playing a video game on hard mode, before mastering the controls.

    Good luck to her! Have fun~

  3. Depends on what they are doing in life right now. Lets say your friend went back to college and met him in one of her classes or something, then it wouldn’t be too bad because they are both doing the whole college stage of life and are in a similar spot. If he’s been working since he graduated high school and is financial stable like your friend, then that’s also chill because again, it’s a similar place to be in life, just with your friend having some extra years.

    If he’s a broke college student and your friend is well into a career, that would be a little different. There’s too much room for an unhealthy power dynamic there. Also if she is hesitating, I’d probably just go with no because it’s gonna end up being an issue later most likely.

  4. id be weary. probably not many 20 year old guys are not looking for something serious and just want to have fun. if your friend aint that type, then probably not going to work out. if its just casual fun, then it might be ok

  5. At that age it’s too big a gap. If you’re talking 35 and 40 that might be different, but there’s a really big experience gap between 20 and 26. I would not.

  6. I kinda agree with the comments

    Im 22 and dating guys who are 3 years younger (19) is already too young for me

  7. I can’t date anyone under 25 knowing that brains aren’t fully developed until then. She should avoid that. Because there’s no telling what kind of mess will come if that situation.

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