How are you ladies surviving in this financially unstable world?

  1. got a better job (I was laid off for months), do the horses care myself and budget

  2. House and vehicles are completely paid off which helps immensely. I’m living off of my retirement pension, but my partner has a great paying job as a Senior Software Developer and a side hustle as an Audio Engineer. We’re more fortunate than most.

  3. I’ve always been good with money and still have a nice savings account. Just not spending it on random crap anymore (hobby still allowed of course) and plan out food for the week so grocery bill was almost cut by half.

  4. Engineering pays prettywell, and I’m lucky to work in a place where rents are low. I’ll probably never own a home, but that’s okay for me.

  5. As a matter of a fact, shared a bottle or two of a really nice Pinot Noir with the friend who takes care of my money over the hols…. and she’s kicking butt and taking me along.

  6. Not thinking about the money and working as hard as I possibly can- didn’t go to college so there’s a lot to prove.

  7. I own a house.My car is paid off.
    I always saved a great part of my salary, I dont live luxurious I guess.

  8. I don’t spend an unnecessary amount on rent. Limiting my monthly subscriptions also helps, cooking more and eating out as less as I can. Impulsive spending is something I’ve done away with, I think about something long and hard before I purchase it and I make sure to go for the best price.

    I can also say minimalism has really helped me sort out my life and gain more perspective.

  9. Watching my coins and budgeting. Whilst also working my tail off along side my husband.

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