I’m going on my first date tonight with a girl from my college. I’m 20 she’s 19. I don’t have really any dating experience so I am wondering what the expectations are for a first date. Any kind of advice is appreciated. We’re going to dinner but I don’t know where we’re going yet, although I’m assuming that I’m the one choosing and I have no ideas.

As for how I’m going to act, I was just going to wing it and not really put too much thought into it because if I did I would definitely overthink and mess up. I still want some tips though on what to do though. All I really know is that I’m supposed to pay. And I’m not sure how much a date is supposed to cost, especially in college. Thank you.

  1. Pick a restaurant that’s casual but still kind of nice. So no McDonald’s or waffle house, but if there’s a decent sit down burger or pizza place in your town go there. Ask her ahead of time what she might be in the mood for. Be prepared to pay for both, even if you don’t wind up paying.

    Second, just go with your gut and be yourself. Don’t dominate the conversation; ask her questions and listen to what she has had to say. This might sound like dumb advice, but a lot of men focus too much on selling themselves rather than getting to know their date.

    Lastly, put effort into your appearance, even for a casual date. Doing your hair and wearing nice, clean clothes really goes a long way. It’ll make her feel like seeing her is a special occasion.

  2. That’s so cute! Yes, pick a spot and make reservations if possible. Offer to pick her up. I was not expecting fancy dinners in college, I’d say anywhere from $15-$25 a plate is fine!


    Yes, just wing the personality. Be yourself, that is why she agreed to go on this date with you. If there are awkward pauses, try to say something. If you legit have no idea what to say then make a joke about being nervous or comment on the food. Ask her questions about her career plans, family, hobbies, etc and share yours as well.

    After the date, drive her home or walk her to her car and say you had a nice evening.

    You got this

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