A year ago, I (22f) had a short relationship with this guy (23m) that lasted only about a month. It ended over a dumb argument one night. He used to get mad so easily. The reason for our break up was something that could have easily been worked on especially since the relationship was so new. I tried fixing things with him, but he didn’t want anything with me anymore. Two weeks after the argument, he wasn’t angry anymore but we agreed to remain just friends.

Then summer came around, and we stopped talking. We both got into relationships with different people. For the remaining of the year, we were both in new relationships. Mine ended at the end of last year, and his relationship ended the month after mine (in January). They were together for 6 months. Around February, he reached out to me again. We talked and caught up with each other platonically through text here and there.

Two weeks ago, he texted me again. He then called me and we talked. He told me that he misses when we were together, and that he wishes we had given the relationship a year ago more of a chance instead of simply giving up so soon. He asked me if I’m talking to anyone else rn, and two days later he called me again and once again he told me how he misses our relationship. He told me he was happy to be talking again, he was even calling me “babe” and telling me that he told his closest friends that we were talking again.

He invited me over to his house to hang out and watch a movie. I wanted to actually go on a date with him, but maybe he didn’t want to go out bc the thing is he’s currently out of a job right now, he has some days where he’s called in to work but that money goes for his own necessities. Anyways, he invited me over and told me that afterwards we could go for a walk. He also told me that we don’t have to do anything that I don’t want to do in his house. We agreed that I would go to his house Monday (a week ago) but something came up and I couldn’t go that day anymore. He understood, but it seemed like he felt some type of way about it.

Ever since then, he started taking longer to reply, and didn’t text me with much interest anymore. He asked if I could go over Tuesday or wednesday, but then he got called in to work those days and so we couldn’t meet up. The last time he texted me was wednesday. We told each other good morning and he told me that they called him in to work for the rest of the week so he couldn’t meet up that day. I told him I understand and we talked a little more. Then, I asked him if he would be down to go see a movie with me any of these days or maybe the weekend. He never responded. It’s been 4 days.

I’m so confused. Why did he make it seem like he was interested in getting back together, and then starts ignoring me all of a sudden?

Tl;dr: ex came back to me wanting to get back together and then ignored me

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