Ok, I am not sure if it fits this subreddit, if not please advise where to post it. So I have a little bit of anxiety doing things on my own that are not scheduled.

For example: If I have to go with my baby for an appointment or scheduled activity, not much of a problem I will get there and on time, sometimes it’s a bit stressful going for the first time or after longer time but I will get there. Or meet with friends/family, going to work before I had a baby – no problem.

But if it’s something unscheduled that I should do but not necessary have to (eg to go buy some groceries that we need but I know my partner can go tomorrow or later that week) and I would like to do it myself but I just cannot seem to force myself to go. I would like to pick one particular thing myself but I don’t feel like going just for one thing.
Or another example of this is when I should go check for some clothes for me but I hate it cuz nothing fits me and it’s usually a waste of time and energy but maybe I would find something if I went…
Or I would like to go for a small trip somewhere.

So is there anything I can do to get myself just do things that I need/want to do but usually won’t do because some irrational anxious feeling?

1 comment
  1. You have to do things you want to do. For example if you need to buy groceries then think of something you really want from there. Like chocolate or ice cream or ramen or whatever you’re into. That’ll motivate you to go. If you want to go do something for fun then obviously you’re not going to want to go shop for clothes. Find something you want to do like a hobby (bowling, make up shopping, golf, etc) or go to an arcade or movie theater or watch a play.

    Motivation or lack there of is the problem. For example I wouldn’t drive 40 mins to go shop for clothes but I’d drive 45 mins to go to this cool bar I found.

    If you want to go out then you have to like what you’re doing or have a personal reason to and it’ll be easier to do it. If you’re doing something you don’t like to do, then add on things you do like to make the trip worth it.

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