So I’ll try and keep it brief. Basically I (21m) never seem to get any luck in relationships or with girls in general (even on a night out, dating apps etc). In the past I brushed it off because one of my parents was pretty ill (pre-covid) and I was also in love with running my business at the time. Prior to all this, I’d dated quite a lot but things never went anywhere and then one girl who I really liked and was speaking to for ages, left me for another back when I was 16 which really messed my confidence.

After the pandemic, I started uni in a completely new place, completely new people. Had a lot of fun, met some good friends, went out drinking more than ever but still, apart from a girl I met on a dating site and was seeing for a few months, nothing.

Now, being as humble as possible, I do consider myself to be “quite” good looking, ambitious (run 2 businesses), very into self-development with reading, gym and also quite confident overall but it just feels like I’m doing something wrong and I’m not sure what. Maybe it’s a vibe I give off? I know comparison is the thief of joy as they say but it seems as if everyone else is in a relationship / finds it easy to get girls except me

Any tips would be majorly appreciated as I feel like this is the one obstacle in my life that’s truly hard to overcome.

Most the people in the circles I move in have successful relationships and I can’t even get a date despite the fact that I think (as humbly as possible) that I have quite a lot going for me lmao

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