I got the courage up yesterday to DM a guy I’ve had a couple of interactions with and mutual flirtation. His Instagram account is private and so is mine, so I just DMed (didn’t follow because I though that might be creepy considering we’ve only interacted 3 times, and don’t really know one another). Since we both have private accounts I know my message, which was just a short “hey, it was cool running into each other yesterday, here’s my number if you want it,” will be sent to the “message requests” section without a notification.

How often do you check your message requests?

  1. i don’t get many, so it’s not very often. i know i’ve left some requests unread for weeks before realizing it was even there and then i feel bad lol.

  2. I just checked and it was just bots with malicious links and other bots offering me 750 dollars lol.

  3. I still genuinely don’t understand what the function of instagram is that facebook or twitter doesn’t overlap with.

    I’m a 37 year old Luddite evidently.

    Hence I don’t use most social media since I prefer face to face.

  4. Personally, every time I notice a new request… or get a notification about it..

    Sort of regularly.

    But of course it will vary from guy to guy, he might not even be active on that platform anymore.

  5. The only DM requests I get on IG are bots or scammers so I almost never check them. And if I did get a legit DM I’d probably delete it thinking it was a bot or a scammer lol

  6. I thought Instagram was a photo service for attention-starved teenagers. I didn’t know it had messages.

  7. infrequently, but I don’t use instagram on my phone. I log in on my computer sometimes and that’s it.

  8. Zero.

    But that’s not what you want to know. You want to know how often “HE” checks. We have no idea.

    Instagram is mainly female dominated. Based on mine and from what I hear and see with other guys if we get DM’d it’s either a bot or scammer so we just ignore them.

    If you’re really that interested then you’re going to have to find another way to contact him.

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