So I just started my new job as an intern and this guy (and he’s only 1 year older than me)has been assigned to me to help me in a few minor tasks.
I joined this company like a day ago so I sometimes make mistakes here and there.

Whenever I make even a minor mistake he always start talking to me in a condescending manner and in a higher tone. I haven’t confronted him about it yet, but I believe he has no right to talk to me in this way.

What should be the right response in this situation.

  1. After he finish talking wait for a minute long enough to be a awkward silence then ask him “are you ok” it will lead into a convo where you can explain you don’t like him talking to you like that because it feels disrespectful. Keep me updated 💪🏽💯

  2. But if you don’t make mistakes there is no condescension. That sounds like motivation. Sorry the world isn’t fair. Good luck.

  3. Perfection isn’t a thing and especially because you’re new you’ll inevitably make small mistakes here and there and learn the ropes along the way so he certainly has no right to look down on you like that. And PS condescension =/= motivation. That sounds more like their mindset. It can feel satisfying to prove someone wrong but if you’re sure in yourself why should you feel the need to prove your worth in the first place? Just call him out on his approach next time.

  4. What is condescending about it exactly? Is it what he is saying, or is it the tone he’s using? Can you give an example of something he said?

  5. “were you a kindergarten teacher before this? because you sound like you are talking to a 5 year old when you are talking to me. I’d prefer it if you talked to me like you and me are both adults”

  6. He’s probably testing you. Seeing if you can handle his shit. You’re gonna have to deal with big ego assholes down the line anyway. Best to develop a thick skin now so you’ll be better equipped to handle people like him later.

    Besides, you’re an intern. In a corporate sense, he has every right to talk to you however he wants because in the company, you’re a nobody. You’re free labor. You can be replaced at any time at minimal cost. All they have to do is call the intern you supplanted.

    Or complain to HR, make waves, and see how quickly they replace you. HR is there to protect the company first. That’s their priority. Or confront him now and get on his bad side. Who’s word carries more weight, yours or his?

    Consider that it’s only the first day. For now try ignoring his comments as if they’re background noise and focus on killing it at your internship. The fact is you want this internship. You may not want the job but you want a recommendation or a reference right? Because of that you’re over a barrel which means this asshole has power over you. If you don’t like it there, you’re free to quit and go somewhere else where your superior is nicer. Contrariwise, what if that place is worse?

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