I am a freshman in college, my “ex” girlfriend is a junior. I went into college with no idea I would get or go for a girlfriend. Within 2 weeks though I met my girlfriend and we hit it off from the start. Lost my virginity, gave me some of the best nights of my life, and I was able to be myself in a way which I’ve never done with anyone, even more of myself than I am with my mother. I had never even considered finding my wife yet till she said she wanted my ring, kids and future.

We basically lived together 247, atleast 5 days a week for a semester and a half. We went on cool dates and nyc every weekend, went on trips, I got her flowers randomly, we dreamed ab future, and we both gave eachother personal things which she was crazy ab, and overall it was incredible on both ends. She said I was the only guy who put effort like she does.

But, we have this thing where we’d get into petty arguments occasionally that escalate cause we have opposite methods of communicating in fights. And it’s built up for her.

The last time I saw her irl, before she went home for a week, we had a great weekend and she was fine. (———T.M.I: she wanted to have s*x twice on her period recently and we did, im also the only guy to make her c*m———-) . But after a few days of her being home she became distant. Then, once back at college was still distant so I knew something was up. I told her and she said she had a deep conversation with her grandma that brought up a lot of things that makes her wanna breakup befo summer

She said ultimately she cannot see herself with me in 5 years cause of the arguments (which I vowed to never start regardless), and would rather breakup now than be even more heartbroken in a year. But, the day after saying this over ft, she ft me again and she’s talking all sweet voiced ab kfc cause she ordered it and it reminded her of me….. Then, for the next 2 days sent regular Tik toks/texts and said she’s trying to curb it, but I’m her “best friend” so it’s hard. Yet is still serious ab breaking up. Today, she barley sent anything except 3 snaps.

At this point the emotional rollercoaster is getting taxing . I still love her but this level of pain is insane and getting harder to move on from.

  1. You are both very young and still figuring out things like arguments and communication with the opposite gender. If there is a need for something to be brought up to your partner, then it should. I am not a fan of senseless arguments myself

    You haven’t given us any examples about what you two argue about, so we can’t tell you if one of you is being petty or unreasonable. With that said, you should not be promising to “never start an argument” with her, just out of fear of losing her. She may use that against you later on – in a sense taking liberties, knowing you won’t kick up a fuss out of fear of losing her.

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