I’ve never been in a relationship or experienced love in my teens or in my early 20s. What have I lost out on, as I always regret not having experienced it?

  1. You missed out on all the mistakes your supposed to make so that you learn to not do them. You are now less desirable than men your age who know how to behave properly.

  2. Being in relationships during your teens or early 20s can provide you with an opportunity to learn about relationships in general, including understanding how to communicate, how to navigate challenges, and how to build healthy relationships. This knowledge and experience can be valuable as you move forward in life and form relationships in the future.

  3. In my late teens/early 20’s all my “relationships” lasted less than a month. So dunno if you missed out on much. But at least I learned you can’t trust woman, when she says she loves you after 1 week in relationship.

  4. Bad news is like the other commenters said…u will be lacking in relationship skills.

    Good news is it’s not too late to change yourself. The thing is it’ll be freaking hard. But u can change and u have to change if u want things to change.

    I’m in my thirties and married because i experienced love in my twenties. I have many male friends who have never dated and they are in their thirties now. Do not be like them.

  5. Well the *teen romance* is what you missed, and that’s it, not a big deal in my book. You can still feel the love on any day it just depends on what and when you’re going to do it.

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