What will it take to convince you to purchase a dependable, rapid charging, long range EV?

  1. When I only have to pay $1 for the vehicle, maintenance, and electricity costs for the life of the vehicle

  2. When they are cheaper to buy, and cheaper to maintain. I feel it will never work though. Gas is expensive because it is a limited resource which fluctuates based on supply and demand. Electric vehicles require batteries which again need lithium to build. We’ll eventually run that resource dry too which creates more issues.

  3. If I can buy a used one for under 15k, that I know will last a couple hundred thousand more miles.

  4. When it’s affordable for the average person. When I own a house I can charge it at, until I have both of those it’s not even a consideration

  5. I want an EV. I’m a renter though meaning I can’t get one of the home chargers so I wouldn’t have a reliable way of charging the car. Maybe one day.

  6. When the price difference in an EV versus a comparable gas or hybrid car isn’t more than I’d see spending on 7-10 years’ worth of gas.

    Only spend about $40-50 on gas in a typical month, so the price difference has to come down to about $5k. Right now it’s like double that.

  7. When the technology for it has gotten better, more efficient and convenient, and comparable to current automobiles that run on gas.

  8. When it’s affordable and my car breaks down and the area I live in has EV infrastructure

  9. At least 500 miles of highway range, consistently and dependably. Not a promise of total range that drops off a cliff in real world use.

  10. I had to borrow 1500$ from my boss to buy a 1999 Toyota corolla from an auction yard.

    Me, like many many others, simply can’t afford a new vehicle.

  11. sub 20k cars with decent range, also a much more robust quick charging infrastructure.

  12. 1. I need a reason to own a car in the first place
    2. The vehicle needs to be actually affordable
    3. The energy has to be affordable
    4. A functioning infrastructure to “refuel” the car at the places I am driving to
    5. Evidence that including the mining and recycling of the car the whole endeavor is actually any more environmentally better or “morally superior” than that of a fossil fuel car

  13. I have been fully electric for three years. 220 miles of range has never been an issue. Never looking back.

  14. So lots of folks don’t know that ev range drops drastically in cold weather. So give me an affordable ( under 30k) ev with a winter range of 300+ miles and I’m all in.

  15. What you are describing is an EV that costs $50K. If the price was $30K they would sell like crazy.

  16. 99.9% of trips by care are like less than 20km. You don’t need the range or fast charging in most cases

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