The title is oversimplified. When we started dating, we were both in the honeymoon phase of our relationship. Talking everyday for hours after work and the typical love-cheesy talks that two people in love do.

I have always loved my space but after like 8 hours of corporate work and 3 hours of travel, I often need some space where I don’t want to talk to anyone. I still do talk to him because he calls me everyday. Also, when we get physical, it feels like a chore many a times. Part of it has to do with me not being completely comfortable in my skin and the other part being him thinking of multiple “rounds”.

How do I go about having this conversation without hurting his feelings? I feel like these issues are causing a communication rift and I love him but this gets frustrating at times.

  1. you avoid hurting his feelings by telling him what you wrote right there..Not much to be hurt over, other than the inference of you not being in the honeymoon phase anymore..problems happen in every relationship, best to bring them up right away and work on them instead of waiting for the right moment..just say what you wrote and go from there.

  2. Same as all the other “How do I tell him” posts, you just tell him, being honest and kind.

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