Is this a sign I’m burned out and should take a break from the dating circuit for a while?

Or could this be a response to the fact that most people I meet have ghosted flaked or somehow fucked me around lately and as an ego defense I no longer get emotionally invested in them?

Or that my standards have just risen over time (this is definitely part of it)?

Even when I meet someone who seems cute and cool enough these days I just think ‘alright here we go again’ and can barely find the energy to have a date with them.

Would you bother having a date with someone who you’re not feeling much towards?

  1. If this is a sign of burn-out, then I probably need a break, as well. My sensation of meh largely comes from not making any matches with anyone and expecting that everyone I swipe right on won’t return the favour, or at the very least I’ll never get anyone to even agree to an in-person date.

  2. Yeah that sounds like emotional burnout to me. I’d highly recommend taking some time to focus on other things for a bit… or at the very least, change how you’re pursuing dating.

    You are 100% not going to be putting out attractive, engaging vibes if you feel like everything’s just going to fail anyway and there’s no point trying.

  3. I’m the same with the meh feeling. I’m so sick of the ghosts and the flakes and the gas lighters. I’m off dating apps. I suggest taking a break, trust me it helps!

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