In nj people from north or south jersey are incredibly dedicated to calling this processed ham thing either “taylor ham” or “pork roll”, so much so we’ll sometimes correct another person if we hear them say it wrong. Any other examples around the US?

  1. You can call it Taylor Ham. As long as you also order your bagel with Eggland’s Best, Land O’ Lakes, Morton’s, McCormick’s, and Heinz. Since we’re doing brand names 😛

  2. How people pronounce New Orleans. “Nawlins”, “New Orleenz”, “New Orlinz”.

  3. Pop vs soda, what area constitutes metro Detroit, whether people from the suburbs of Detroit are allowed to say that they are from Detroit, where “up north” starts, whether businesses in the suburbs of Detroit are allowed to call themselves “Detroit _____ Company”, and then we have two rival hot dog restaurants next door to each other where we like to argue about which is better but honestly I think the reputation of the two restaurants being rivals is greater than the actual rivalry.

  4. Downstate is not a thing and Upstate New York is everything north of Long Island/NYC.

    And, if I’m being honest, the Bronx is pretty much upstate too.

    (Clearly I’ve upset a lot of upstaters lol)

  5. Here in the south, it’s what BBQ sauce is the best?

    In my area of South Carolina, people are passionate about their mustard sauce. I prefer North Carolina vinegar, though. It can and will cause a debate.

  6. Eastern or Western NC barbecue.

    Eastern is smoking the whole hog, chopping it up, and serving with with a simple pepper vinegar sauce.

    Western is smoked pork shoulder with a vinegar and tomato-based sauce (spicier, runnier, and less sweet than generic American sauce).

    You have to pick one, just like you have to pick Blue Devils or Tarheels.

    I personally like both of them (blasphemy!). Western has a higher floor and lower ceiling. Also easier to make at home.

    We all agree that South Carolina Mustard sauce is an abomination and anyone who prefers it goes to the Bad Place (I actually like it, too. I just like all styles of barbecue)

  7. Whether Coke means a Coca Cola in a red can with white letters, or it means any type of soda/pop

  8. In California, many Californians hate when people say Cali and think that if you say it, you aren’t from CA. There are people from CA who argue that saying Cali is normal for a local to say.

  9. Where exactly “Northern Virginia” is and whether or not it sucks. The usual definition is whatever’s further from DC than you is not NoVA and you live in the outskirts of it.

  10. In New Jersey

    Taylor Ham v Pork Roll

    What is “Central Jersey”

    Hoagie v Subs

    Garden State Parkway v NJ Turnpike

    Which way to get into NYC

  11. NorCal vs SoCal have many

    Giants vs. Dodgers is the obvious, but also

    – Mission Style burrito vs. San Diego style

    – Whether or not you say “the” before freeway numbers

    – Whether “hella” is common parlance or cringe

    – Whether 66F is a hot day or a cold day

  12. In Minnesota, you learn to play a game called “Duck duck grey duck” when you are a child.
    I grew up, and moved to another state, and found out that just about everyone else calls it “Duck duck goose.”

  13. Are people from Arkansas called “Arkansans” or “Arkansawyers”. I like the way Arkansawyer rolls of the tongue a bit more.

    Also, are the Ozarks part of the cultural South or Midwest? I argue equal parts Midwest/South/Appalachia, at least that’s been my experience. The smaller towns seem more Southern. The larger cities seem more Midwestern.

  14. Whether Miamian immigrants need to learn english, or whether northerners need to learn spanish. The argument is always between hispanics and other hispanics, and always heated.

  15. Our city’s (founded in 1883, right at 100,000 people) biggest suburb is actually older (founded in 1802, roughly 25,000 people) so its residents *really* try to set themselves apart.

    They’re *really* into high school football and talking about how bad the crime is next door in the “big” (lmao) city.

  16. Try going to r/philadelphia to ask about cheesesteaks and you’ll still see a fight. I grew up going to Delessandro’s, but I hate to admit that Joe’s (aka Chinks) is my favorite.

    Yes, they changed the name after the owner died.
    Yes, it was racist.

    Actually, one of the funniest things I’d ever seen printed in the paper was a quote from the owner’s widow (or maybe daughter, it has been a decade): “Oh, he weren’t racist or nothin’. They called Sammy “Chink” on accounta he had eyes like a Chinaman.”

    Torresdale Avenue, ladies and gentlemen.

    Still, roast pork is better than a cheesesteak

  17. The proper name for the Tappen Zee Bridge. This will set people off like no other

  18. I live in the Twin Cities, where some people get into arguments over who does the best Juicy Lucy (for non-Minnesotans, a Juicy Lucy is a cheeseburger with the cheese cooked inside the meat, so it comes out at roughly the temperature of lava).

    P. S. Matt’s is the best.

  19. In New England its almost time to start debating wether or not Lobster rolls should be hot with butter or cold with mayo. Hot with butter being the obvious right answer.

  20. Chicago:

    – Which style of pizza is “real” Chicago-style pizza: Deep Dish or Tavern-Style.

    – If hot dogs should have ketchup or not

    – Sears vs Willis Tower

    – Is “Dibs” (putting assorted junk on the street after a snowstorm to reserve the parking spot you shoveled) good or bad

  21. In California you have to pronounce freeways correctly depending on what part of the state you are currently located.

    In the southern part of the state they use the article “the” in front of freeway numbers. Example: “I took the 10 freeway” or simply, “I took the 15”. If you don’t use ‘the’ in front of a freeway name they will look at you strangely but that is about it.

    In the northern part of the state you don’t use “the” at all. In fact, you should be prepared to be politely corrected by people if you do use it.

    What constitutes North/South for this rule is not clearly defined. Generally, from the Oregon border to Santa Cruz refrain from using ‘the’ in freeway numbers. From Santa Cruz to San Luis Obisbo it is probably acceptable to use either. From SLO to the Mexican border, put a ‘the’ in front of the freeway or they might look at you oddly.

  22. Colorado vs New Mexico green chile and I am honestly astonished that Colorado has the audacity to challenge us.


  23. In Minnesota, for the children’s game “Duck Duck Goose” we will say “Duck Duck Grey Duck” I do not know why.

  24. In Minnesota, we play Duck, Duck, Gray Duck. The rest of the country incorrectly calls this game Duck, Duck, Goose.

  25. Who invented the Jucy Lucy. For my money, it doesn’t matter whether it was Matt’s or 5-8, because The Nook makes the best one anyway.

    Whether lutefisk is good.

    Minneapolis vs. St Paul

    Where “up north” starts.

    Shotgun zones

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