Edit: Thank you! I received sufficient answers

  1. That’s gonna drastically vary depending on the culture of the company you work for.

    Most software engineering roles might have occasional moments of crunch / final push towards a release / “fuck! Something broke and we need to fix it”, but it should definitely not be the norm.

  2. At most, larger, business / web style software businesses in the UK now, people finish generally around 5:30-6:00. Emergencies happen, you might be expected to pitch in. Somebody might even call you at 2AM. This kind of thing happens, but by-and-large a lot of tech companies have really gone big on the whole “reasonable hours” thing.

    Games companies are a bit notorious for major “death marches”, where people do roud-the-clock work to meet some kind of deadline.

    I work remotely (not exclusively with Python), but this is all still a bit of a spread. Some companies have stayed fully remote, or “encourage but don’t mandate” going into the office, others have an X days a week policy, and some are going back to full-time office work. More opportunity if you are flexible but work for all preferences there.

  3. We have fairly flexible working hours, so I choose to start and finish early. I’m logged off by 4:30 most days.

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