I don’t want to sound psycho but this happened 4 years ago at the friends bachelor party and day before the wedding when he was showing off his fancy vintage muscle car. I have known this friend since we were in grade school and he had a rough family life but during and after highschool he never struggled financially, never worked a min wage job in his life. He made several dollars over min wage at 16 years old.but as usual we drifted apart after high school he got a good union job and i work a shitty job on night shift. Ever since he started making good money he went from a decent humble person to a cocky peice of fucking shit who thinks he is above anyone. Every fucking thing i did or said on that bachelor party trip was never good enough or i was a fucking retard. I have some . handicaps like autism and have been treated as inferior my entire life except by good friends and family. This dude used to have my back in high school. Anyway when we were all hanging around the classic cars i asked him direct questions about some mechanical stuff on the car as i have a degree in mechanics, the asshole completely ignored me and couldn’t even look me in the face then walked away. To think he used to ask me for mechanical advice in highschool. I wanted to beat the shit out of him on the spot then at his wedding he bitched at me for being nervous for being one of tje groomsmen, im autistic i get nervous being in front of large crowds.i have been wanting to say something to him or anyone else who was on that trip for 4 years as this has nagged me because its a matter of me standing up for myself. I have been pushed around all through growing up and now at almost 30 i am fed up with it. I deal with assholes at work i see them in public i know they are everywhere. All i want is some fucking respect. I have tried over the years to meet up or call or anything but he is so busy between his big union job and working on the car etc. I don’t want his job, house or life but i want him to know what its like to wash dishes and pay rent on min wage or be a truck mechanic for 9 dollarars a hour killing myself in minus 5 degrees winter with no heat because i was desperate for work. I have earned everything i own and yeah i had some help whem needed who dosent but i don’t rub it in someones face when i have something . more expensive than them. If they ask me a how something works or how to fix something i offer. To be a decent person and help!!!!

  1. Ive had (and currently have) a similar situation so I kind of get it. Idk if this is the best advice but I honestly believe sometimes you just gotta pop off someone who is being an asshole. The longer you bottle it up you’re gonna be living in hell. Ive felt way more relieved having done so than the times I haven’t.

  2. Classism sucks but if that’s really all it is there’s no “social skills” solution. Some people just see society as a hierarchy and only care about the opinions and interests of people at or above their level. That’s horrible but there’s nothing you can say that will change his mind about that.

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