For women who don’t block their ex, why?

  1. I don’t care to.

    They’re fine people and things just didn’t work out. We’re not friends or anything, but on okay terms.

  2. I don’t think people need to stop existing just because a romantic relationship didn’t work out. I can’t imagine ever actually taking the time to block anyone though I just don’t care.

  3. Don’t see a good reason why to do so if you break up on good terms.

    Ex boyfriends or ex best friends – they made a huge impact on my life and I still care how they are doing. There is this beautiful quote that I relate a lot: “together or apart, know that I’ll always be your biggest supporter, cheering you from the sidelines“.

    Even if we don’t talk anymore, I’m still happy to see them succeed in life. Even if it is through silly social media posts.

  4. This might sound crazy but everyone you block winds up obsessing over it for months. I think it’s kind of cruel. I think every relationship deserves a severance package just like a good job. I have had exes text me asking for clarification on things for a few months and they move on with their lives once they’re at peace. The ones you block obsess over not being able to reach you. Anyone I didn’t block we wound up being friends in the long run and on good terms. Everyone I blocked would find even more direct ways to contact me later and I felt like I was being harassed. I just don’t see it as being a mature thing to do to someone unless they were horrible to you.

  5. The only one I needed to got blocked. The others didn’t do anything to require it.

  6. My ex and I had a really rough breakup and are both obviously very damaged and traumatized people from our childhood. Ultimately, we should have only been friends from the start. After about 7 months of not speaking, we rekindled our friendship and were actually able to laugh at how we acted in the relationship, be humble when one person needed to discuss something that was still affecting them, and hear each other. He’s my best friend now, and we have the understanding that friends is all we ever should be.

  7. I have only one ex and now I’m married. I didn’t block him because he just doesn’t matter to me in any way, I’m not friend with him anywhere and we have no contact.

    I block people that I truly want to avoid and I’m worried could be a problem for me, he is not a worry for me, he is just nothing.

  8. I don’t feel the need to block people who aren’t trying to contact me and who I’m not trying to contact.

  9. I don’t see what I’d accomplish in doing so. A momentary feeling of justice or that ive shown him followed by an intense feeling of emptiness and melancholy along with the realisation that all ive shown him is that i still care and he still has power over me? I’m good. We don’t talk anyway.

  10. I just don’t see why? Not blocking is the norm to me. I would just block them if they started harassing me.

  11. I only block people if there’s a compelling reason to block them, and I don’t consider an ended relationship to be enough of a reason.

    If they were harassing me or cyberstalking me, that would be different. But I would block anyone who I knew was doing that, not just an ex.

  12. Unless they were extremely problematic after the breakup, I see no reason to. I don’t delete photos or scrub social media of them, either. I think I have 2 total that had to be blocked out of almost 40 years of dating/relationships. The rest I’m still friendly with. Just because it didn’t work out doesn’t mean it wasn’t great for a time or that I hate them, or vice versa.

  13. Because I want to know when he starts on his text tirades. He’s violent and an alcoholic, so for example, if he lets me know he knows where I’m working, I know to keep an eye out for him. As it is, I’m always on the lookout for his car. Not hoping for contact, it’s quite the opposite.

    If I block, I will not know. I do not reply and haven’t done for over a year. If I need police assistance again I have proof of harassment.

  14. my most recent ex was 6 years ago and pretty much all of my exes are over me and I am too! So we don’t really have any reason to communicate. If they reached out to me I’d be like hmm weird but not overly upset, just indifferent!

  15. Because we have a kid together. I removed him from all social media (they’re all set to private), but I don’t feel a need to block.

  16. Because he never bothered me after we were done. Blocking is something that all the young people do for some reason.

  17. Because I’m happily married and have no relationship with my ex, because he’s……my EX. I don’t need to block him.

  18. The only people I’ve ever blocked are toxic people who were harassing me/wouldn’t leave me alone when I asked for them to stop contacting me. This has never included exes, just people who were once friends. I’ve deleted exes off of social media so I wouldn’t have daily reminders of them, but I’ve never blocked them.

  19. Because we have kids together and need that would make communicating to co-parent really difficult

  20. Because my ex only has FB and Snapchat, which I deleted in my mid 20s. We’re both in our 30s. He also will never ever look at my social media and won’t text me – because he’s a narcissist (clinically diagnosed) who will forever claim that I deserved everything he did to me lol 🤡
    He’s far too proud to say anything and leave any form of evidence.

    Years of therapy helped too.
    I just don’t care and forget he even exists at times.

  21. Because he is a nice person and I know he will respect my boundaries. I hope we can catch up sometimes even though I know we won’t be friends.

  22. The good ones didn’t need to be blocked, and the bad ones were so bad I liked to keep the unblocked so they could easily reach me directly rather than dropping by my place of work or my home unannounced.

  23. I didn’t feel the need to. I’m still on speaking terms with one of them. I wouldn’t go out of my way to speak to him daily but we wish each other a happy birthday. I just don’t feel the need to completely cut them out of your life unless it was really bad.

    My last ex blocked me himself but I wasn’t going to speak to him again anyway as it ended badly. His choice to block me but personally I just knew i would never have any involvement again.

    My current bf knows all this and doesn’t care. We trust each other and have been together over a year

  24. I don’t feel the need to search out every ex I’ve had to block them on every possible thing. They don’t matter that much to me. If they start bothering me, I’ll block them

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