I’m 50 years old and about 5’11 180-185 lbs and in good shape and I was prescribed Cialis to help make my erections just a little harder and it works great. FYI I don’t take blood pressure meds but I wanted to ask about drinking alcohol with Cialis because I don’t want to pass out from a drop in my BP like I think happened when I started Cialis.

Originally at first I took 5 mg daily and it was great UNTIL one night I drank literally 2 mixed drinks and then I really thought I was about to pass out due to low BP. I stopped drinking that night and the faint feeling went away and nothing else happened thankfully. Since then I haven’t mixed alcohol with Cialis at all AND I don’t take it daily anymore but I do take 10 mg Cialis “as needed” 1-2 hours before sex.

I keep reading that it’s ok to have 1-2 drinks on Cialis and I would like to but I also don’t want that BP drop to happen again. Plus I wonder if that wouldn’t happen again because I don’t constantly have a lot in my system since I only take 10mg as needed now instead of 5mg daily which probably would have been a higher total dose in my body. Any suggestions on all that?

I also wanted to ask:

1) When is the best time to take Cialis in the evening around drinks, dinner, etc.? I’m assuming maybe take the 10mg one hour after I am done eating and drinking alcohol to let my body absorb those things more but still 1-2 hours prior to sex?

2) On an empty stomach should I take it before, during, or after my alcoholic drinks? Or does it matter?

3) How many drinks can a 185 lb guy have on Cialis?

4) I plan on trying mixing it first on a night when we are staying in at the house so I can better control my environment if I feel faint, etc. instead of being out somewhere. I figured I would take the Cialis first, then have 1 drink, wait a bit and then one more and see what happens. And I don’t plan on having more than 2 drinks when I do mix them.

Any suggestions or comments on any of this are welcome! Thanks!

  1. I have taken recreationally to keep fucking and would not drink with it period. Trust the label

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