I suck at small talk, and I’m not really too sure what’s considered good manners for Americans. If I’m in a hallway passing by some fellow residents of an apartment I’ll be moving into, or maybe entering a common room that already has people in it, what do I do? Do I just say hi, and then keeping walking on? Do I have to say anything at all? Please help me out, I don’t want to seem rude or creepy. I know Americans are very chatty, but I’ve never been too sure what’s expected of me.

  1. You don’t have to say anything if nobody says anything to you. If someone says hi or nods at your, just say hi or nod back. It’s fine.

  2. Don’t worry too much about it. If someone says something, it is polite to respond or smile/nod. If they don’t, you aren’t under any social obligations to do so.

  3. Wearing earbuds or headphones is a great way to avoid small talk. You don’t even need to be listening to anything. Otherwise, just say hello/smile/nod and keep it moving.

  4. Depends where you are- different regions have notoriously different levels of what constitutes small talk. I have only even *met* a few people in my building (NYC, 3 years), and what I usually do is say hi and maybe compliment their dog if they have one along.

  5. You’ll be perceived as strange or creepy if you never say anything to people you regularly see.

    Simple examples to get by:

    You are passing other residents in a hallway. Make eye contact, smile, and nod your head. Possibly say “good morning,” or “hi” if they are your neighbors.

    You get in an elevator with others. Look at people briefly. Nod your head if they look at you.

    You enter a common room with other people. Just nod at them in acknowledgment and smile.

    If there is a doorman in your apartment, greet them with a “good morning.”

    You don’t have to strike up long conversations with people. You just want them to know you are friendly.

  6. Be a pleasant human being that recognizes others’ existence. It’s really no more difficult than that.

  7. If you want to sure. If you don’t don’t.

    A polite nod is an acceptable greeting. Don’t even need to smile.

    If someone says how are you, just say good.

  8. If you’re just passing by someone, it’s fine to smile and keep walking or not react at all. I’ll smile and say “hi” pretty often, but I keep walking as I do it – it’s not meant to be an invitation for small talk.

  9. I just put my headphones on and people don’t disturb me or if they do, they’re really nice

  10. I’ve lived in my current condo for 3 years. I haven’t said a word to my neighbors in that time

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