Furthest north for me would be Denali, Alaska. Furthest south would be the big island, though I didn’t make it all the way to the southernmost point.

  1. Northmost: Buffalo, NY
    Southernmost: Key West

    Edit: Had to revise that, was thinking Mass was further north. I feel dumb now.

  2. Northernmost: International Peace Gardens, 49th parallel.

    Southernmost: Houston or New Orleans, 30th parallel.

  3. North is Bangor Maine or Vancouver Washington not quite sure which if further north.
    West is American Samoa which is farther then the state of Hawaii.
    And south is the border with south tip of Texas and Mexico.

  4. I live in Pennsylvania near Lake Erie. I’ve been a far north as Bar Harbor, Maine. I’ve also been as far south as San Antonio, Texas.

  5. Northernmost: Arctic Circle, Dalton Highway, Alaska.

    Southernmost: South Point, Big Island, Hawaii.

  6. Border of Ontario and Minnesota.

    The Big Island in Hawaii. Didn’t go to the southernmost point though.

  7. South: San Antonio or Tampa, whichever is further south. Closest to the Mexican border would be San Diego.

    North: somewhere a little north of Anchorage (maybe the Willow area).

  8. North: Lake of the woods (the notch in the top of Minnesota, also the northernmost place in the contiguous US)

    South: San Fransisco, CA

  9. Furthest North: I -87 border crossing between NY and Quebec. Furthest South is St. Croix, USVI

  10. Farthest north is Medora (Theodore Roosevelt National Park) ND, and south is Maui, Hawaii. I’m editing because I keep looking at the map and realizing ND is above Michigan and much of Maine duh.

  11. I’ve driven from Seattle to Vancouver, so I’ve crossed the US/Canada border at the 49th parallel. Farthest south is probably San Antonio.

  12. Northernmost: Blaine, WA (on the border, when I went to Canada)

    Southernmost: Orlando, FL

  13. North: Blaine, WA

    South: Honolulu HI/Key West

    East: Point Udall, USVI/Portland ME

    West: Haleiwa, HI/Astoria OR

    I’ve been to 49/50 states. Need to get to AK to wrap them up.

  14. Furthest north is Blaine, Washington (right next to the Canadian border). Furthest south is probably Orlando, Florida.

  15. for the South both Yuma AZ and Key West FL. For the north somewhere a ways up in East Bumfuck Maine. Not even sure which unincorporated territory we were in.

  16. South: Key West

    North: some breakfast joint in York, Maine like 15 years ago.

  17. Furthest north: Seaside, Oregon, which also happens to be furthest west.

    Furthest south: Dead tie between St. Petersburg, FL and Corpus Christi, TX, to the point where the answer depends on the exact streets we drove on during a vacation we took when I was 4.

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