I have come to realize I’m a bad human being. I talk shit about others and people have taken notice and now think I’m judge mental and not a good person. Here is the thing. I don’t do it for any other reason than to have something to talk about. I have nothing bad in my heart for them.

Also, I came to realize I don’t have good people around me at all. People who I thought were my friends never tell me my faults even when I ask how I can be better. They just walk around and I realize they also talk about me behind my back. I also found out they tell others what I told them. I found out in the worst way possible and it genuinely makes me realize why I never trusted people to begin with. I know sometimes they are on Reddit so I just want them to know…I know you talk bad about me and I’m not even mad. I’m more mad at myself for becoming something I’m not. I’m mad that I became a bad person. Not playing some victim mentality shit because I deserve to be ostracized by everyone.

Therefore, I decided to just stop talking to people all together and say nothing. I will work on me and do me. Im sure their impression of me will not change, but I think it’s best to just be on my own. I don’t have to respond or talk. The fact I have wasted three days of my life overthinking so many situations is enough for me. It’s enough to make me realize that I have a lot to work on internally.

So hopefully as I go through this journey, I can look back at this post one year from now and laugh it off or at least see how far I have gotten.

1 comment
  1. It’s good that you realize you aren’t happen with who you are, so now you can make a change. I’d advise not to try anything extreme. Not talking at all isn’t the solution

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