What are your stories about complete strangers attempting to to reach out to you and they got to you through a business, social media, etc.?

  1. Oh lord. All I’ll say is apparently LinkedIn is the new fad for guys to try “professionally” sliding into DMs over the last few months as I’ve had it happen numerous times.

    The best was this time this guy reached out to me about his company’s product which was ACTUALLY something we needed to improve, so I went through this whole approval process with leadership to take a feeler call on Zoom.

    Come to find out, be ended up spending maybe 3 mins talking about their product and the rest of the time he was treating it like a first date via zoom asking questions about me and at the end tried to go for the home run and said “I’d love to take you out for coffee to make sure I can meet your needs” with this cringy smile 🤣🤣🤣

    One part of me felt bad, the other part I was trying not to laugh. I recorded parts of it from my phone but I missed that part and I wish I got it!

    Also their product and pricing absolutely sucked, so no deal on both fronts. 🤣

  2. Nothing interesting.

    They reached out, eventually declared interest or enquired about my dating status/availability, I didn’t share interest nor was/am I available.

  3. I do modelling and porn part-time, so I get this a lot through my socials. Majority of it are super low effort men that I just ignore completely. Some are polite and I’ll talk with them a bit. A handful of times I get photographers reaching out to me.

    But the best are other queer and especially trans people that contact me, mainly to tell me that I’ve helped them. For a lot of us it’s difficult to even feel acceptable in society, and feeling attractive seems impossible. And it feels great to have random strangers reach out and tell me I gave them hope and helped them love themselves.

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