I have had zero female interaction since childhood. Currently in an engineering student. How can I increase my female interaction?

  1. Hate to tell you man but that’s kind of what happens when you pick engineering as a study path. Not gonna be much easier in the workplace either.

    You gotta get out more. School and work aren’t gonna cut it in your field.

  2. There are several ways you can increase your female interaction as an engineering student.

    Here are a few personal suggestions:

    Join clubs and organizations: Joining clubs and organizations related to your interests or field of study is a great way to meet new people, including women. Look for clubs and organizations that are co-ed or have a significant number of female members.

    Attend social events: Attend social events like parties, gatherings, and meetups. These events provide an excellent opportunity to meet new people, including women, and to develop friendships.

    Take part in extracurricular activities: Participating in extracurricular activities, such as sports, drama, or music, can help you meet new people, including women. These activities can also help you develop new skills and interests.

    Be approachable: Be open and friendly towards everyone, regardless of gender. Smile, make eye contact, and engage in conversation with those around you. Being approachable can make it easier for others, including women, to approach you and strike up a conversation.

    Use online dating apps: Online dating apps can be a great way to meet women who share similar interests and hobbies. However, make sure to use them safely and responsibly.

    Remember, building relationships takes time and effort, so be patient and persistent. Good luck!

  3. I’m pretty sure you are from that part of where ratio of men is higher than women or have chosen a stream that girls usually do not prefer. Since you have so little experience, my suggestion would be built up the courage and ask any girl on the street/campus for directions to any place you already know about. I know it’s wierd but since you said 0 female interaction I thought you should start here. This should help you with confidence building. Next you could join some communities like a book club where there should be lot of girls to interact with. Good luck.

  4. Optional :-

    Practice semen retention for 6 months then try to interact as it will help u thereafter

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