Well to make a long story short, take my advice and do not date your co workers. DO NOT. I thought I finally met a really nice guy, he was very sweet. He was everything I’ve been looking for, but a week ago he broke things off out of no where. He isn’t over his ex, or a million other excuses he gave for rejecting me. I’m just really hurt because I truly liked this guy and I would have done anything to make him happy. Now I have to continue to see him everyday and get knots in my stomach every time he ignores me in passing, or won’t even look at me. Save yourself the hurt I now have to feel everyday, and do not get involved romantically with a coworker.

  1. I can’t agree, maybe for the office workers. But I work in live entertainment and I am constantly on the go, never in one place. It’s really hard to connect or meet people when I have no set schedule and can be gone for weeks at a time. The only way I see myself finding someone is by trying to build a connection with people in my industry or that work with me. I am a freelancer and I jump between a number of companies in a lot of states. Even if it didn’t work between us, we would only have to tolerate being around each other every so often. Also I am a grown up and can be professional and put my feelings aside to get things done.

  2. Agreed my coworker lied to me about having a girlfriend for the majority of the time I knew him. Found out from another coworker he lived with his gf at one point.

  3. And would coworkers being someone’s only humam contact change that rule?
    Bc I think that’s where we’re at..

  4. So, I dated a coworker… lasted 17 years. We still work together, even though we are broken up. Still my best friend. Its awkward sometimes. But I would make the same choices again.

    Key for us was serious friendship first, then the datey stuff.

  5. I disagree; unfortunately I think there are only so many places to meet ppl naturally and we need to take advantage of those situations. OLD works but its not natural

    I’m sorry this happened to you, the pain is intense now, but it will get better

  6. I’ve been there. It’s a nasty situation to get yourself in but you learn a VERY important lesson.

  7. lol tru, i dated a coworker she’s like the most beauty in the room that everyone wants, she likes me at first, then dated her after a few months caught her flirting with other dude, dump her.

  8. I always here people saying not to date coworkers, But from what I can see everyone is f’ing everyone at work.

  9. Yeah I fucked my coworker when I was drunk. Had to tell her it couldn’t happen again and now she’s kinda obsessed. Not worth it

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