What would you do if you were told to wear a bridesmaid dress you didn’t like?

  1. Suck it up and wear it, assuming I was actually a bridesmaid and this wasn’t just some weird other scenario. But, in the UK it’s tradition for the bride to pay for the bridesmaids’ dresses, which affects my answer.

  2. Depends on who the bride is, but assuming it was someone I’m close with (which is a safe assumption if I’m a bridesmaid) I’d deal with it, it isn’t my day

  3. I would suck it up. I typically hate most bridesmaid dress styles, and I’ve been one three times. I tell them I love it, fork over a stupid amount of money, then never wear it again. It’s not about me.

  4. Does it fit me? Do I want to be part of the wedding party to support this person? If yes to both, then I wear it. I’m not so vain that I can’t deal with wearing a dress I don’t like for long enough to be correctly in-uniform for a friend/family member’s wedding.

  5. Suck it up and wear it anyway. It’s not my wedding, I’m there to support the bride/groom.

  6. Suck it up and wear it. It’s not *my* wedding.

    Assuming the reasons I didn’t like it were just I don’t like it, and not that it’s going to make me feel naked or inappropriate. I don’t care who you are, I’m not flashing anyone for the sake of your big day.

  7. If they’re paying for it, I’ll suck it up and wear the dress.
    If I am paying for it, then I think I have some right to wear something I don’t hate.

  8. Been there. Why would i care? Its the Bride’s day, whatever would make her dream wedding, im a friend to support her then i’ll be on it. Even if i have to wear crazy dress

  9. I spent around 500 dollars on a dress I hated to be a bridesmaid in a wedding. The dress was sequins that ended up bruising by arms. It doesn’t matter, the day is about the bride not the bridesmaids.

  10. I wore it. There are basic bridesmaids duties such as wearing whatever dress the bride asks and helping her go to the bathroom if her train is large. If I wasn’t willing to do those things, I would not have agreed to be a bridesmaid.

  11. If I liked the person enough to be a bridesmaid, I’ll wear it and show every evidence of enjoying it.

  12. Simply don’t like it? Suck it up.

    Straight up looks bad? I talked to the bride. Thankfully my sister wasn’t crazy pants about her wedding and realized that my 38H boobs looked absurd in the halter dress she picked to match hers. She’s tiny boobed and didn’t understand. A quick selfie fixed the situation!

  13. If I dislike because it’s too revealing then I will ask to do some modifications. If I just dislike the looks of the dress I will just suck it up. It’s only one day and it’s not my day.

  14. i’d just do it. one night in an ugly dress won’t kill me.

    though now that i think about it… only if i wouldn’t have to lash out lots of money for it. below 100€ – fine. but if it was above that, it’s very much possible i’d back out of the bridal party. aint gonna spend a fortune on an ugly dress i’ll never wear again.

  15. I wear it anyway. The day is not about me; it’s about my support of the couple. If I support the couple, then *I support the couple.*

  16. Unless it was totally unaffordable (assuming she wasn’t paying) or completely humiliating (like my actual tits out or something) I would just wear it. It’s not oppression to wear outfits that aren’t to your personal taste for momentary events. If the bride is someone I’d actually bother being a bridesmaid for, lime green satin with butt bows isn’t going to change that.

  17. When I was my friend’s bridesmaid, I specified my only request was that I could wear a bra with straps. Aside from that I’d wear anything, it’s her day.

  18. Wear the dress.

    If the bride likes it then you suck it up. It’s not your wedding.

  19. The only time I’d say something is if it’s very expensive or I physically cannot wear it. But that goes for a dress I like too.

    My friend chose a backless dress and I’m a G cup. I let her know id try to find bra options but it’s possible they’d have to sew a backing or something. Took it to a tailor with an extended bra strap and she worked wonders to sew it into the dress. Ended up being fine. I’ve never worn a bridesmaid dress again, but nothing my friends have chosen has been too pricey.

  20. I’d honestly just suck it up. Unless it makes me extremely uncomfortable, like if it was super revealing and I could have a nip slip at any moment 😂😂

  21. I would just wear it, unless there was something extreme about why I didn’t feel good in it – too too revealing, some kind of fabric giving me a rash. I was a BM twice and super close to the brides so I’m sure we could have had a discussion.

  22. Unless I don’t like it because it’s too revealing and makes me too uncomfortable that way id just suck it up and wear it. I say that, but all the people I’m possible bridesmaid close to seem unlikely to pick that sort of dress anyway.

  23. It sorta depends on why I didn’t like it. If it was just not my taste, then I’d wear it, no comment, no issue.

    If I didn’t like it because it was too revealing (which seems odd for a bridemaid dress, but then I’ve seen some wedding dresses I wouldn’t want to be seen wearing in front of people, so…), there would be a discussion with the bride about adjustments. It’s their day regardless, so I wouldn’t reject the dress, but I like to have some coverage of myself.

    I have read horror stories on this board about insane bridezillas, but I don’t know anyone I can think of who’d behave that way, so I feel pretty safe that I’d be okay to have a discussion if the issue was serious enough.

  24. The dress was heavy satin in the summer. In a non air conditioner church and reception hall. It was also poo brown color. I wore it with a big smile on my face

  25. When my sister got married, 3 bridesmaids and I referred to it as “that g0ddamned dress”. We wore it because it was what she wanted, but the next Saturday, we got together and burned all 4 dresses in the street in front of my mom’s house.

  26. Wear it! If we’re close enough friends that she asked me to be a bridesmaid, no problem to wear it for a day! Wedding planning is stressful, bridesmaid dresses are hard to pick out (one style that works for everyone or one color that works for everyone). It’s not really about the dress in the end anyway, it’s about standing up there supporting someone you love and celebrating their special day! I can look back and be like Uhg that dress was hideous on me ha! but we had such an amazing day!!

  27. I wore it.

    And then, during the reception when all the groomsmen were getting wasted, I made a game of convincing them to take off their clothes and give them to me. By the end of the night I was wearing all their ties, 3 shirts, 2 jackets, one guy’s pants, and a bunch of belts over my dress.

  28. Assuming the dress fit me properly, was in my budget (or the bride was paying), and wasn’t, like, made of leather (i’m vegan and won’t wear animal skins or furs of any kind): I’d wear it. And honestly – i’d feel honored that someone felt close enough to me that they’d choose me as a bridesmaid.

    (Please, no “being a bridesmaid actually SUCKS” takes. Please don’t share that in the replies to my comment. I’ve heard those takes before. I’m not saying they are “wrong”- just that the idea of being chosen as a bridesmaid would feel really special to me, since i haven’t been one before and it would feel lovely.)

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