I used to think I was straight. I mean, I like men, I think they’re fucking gorgeous and they’re really attractive. But since hitting 20, I’ve been seriously thinking if my sexuality is really that cut and dry.

Lately, I’ve been catching myself staring at curvy women and thinking about what it would be like to touch them and cuddle them close to me. I’ve thought about kissing women and having them on top of me, or even them being underneath me so I can feel their bodies. Feeling their breasts or even their ass.

I am especially attracted to women who look androgynous. Women with sharp jawlines, handsome features, and shortish medium hair. But I also enjoy soft and typically “feminine” looking women.

And, my definition of a hot guy has changed. I used to think hard bodied men with beards and short hair was my thing. And they still are. But God if men in skirts, tight pants that show off their thighs and hips, makeup, and long flowing hair (no matter the texture) doesnt get me worked up. No joke, I saw a musical today with a lean body man with flowing wavy hair, open leather jacket, and tight jeans on the stage and I couldn’t stop fucking looking at him. I wanted to be underneath AND on top of him at the same time.

Like…if I like feminine looking guys and masculine or Andro women, then am I just some sort of lesbian or something? Something about them turns me on.

Also, when I asked a friend about this, she just said I might be a lesbian if I like girly guys. I dunno. I need some guidance here.

  1. If you like “girly” GUYS you aren’t a lesbian. Because lesbians arent sexually attracted to men. You may be bisexual. But I wouldnt worry so much about the labels. Just be with the people you are drawn to, treat them well and enjoy yourself.

  2. It’s all a spectrum, like what you like and worry about the labels later.

  3. Sounds like you’re bi. Just let those feelings happen without concern. Act on your physical opportunities and then you will know. I’m straight, but totally attracted to hot guy’s (I’m a man). I just really don’t want to be physical with them. It took me a long time to work that out. Just do what you want in the moment, and if you like it you do, if you don’t you don’t.

  4. Don’t be so quick to label yourself and just enjoy it. It’s okay to be attracted to all different types of people and to be drawn to many different things. You don’t need to label yourself in order to be happy. Just be yourself and do what makes you happy regardless of the label.

  5. I have similar taste, and I like the term queer to define myself. It feels like a wide enough descriptor, and allows for the fluid nature of sexuality as it changes over time.

  6. You don’t need to categorize yourself. Humans are all different. Like who you like and roll with it!

    Ofc. This is just my opinion.

  7. I am not a fan of all or nothing or labels. You like what you like. Pursue whatever turns you on and you want to.play with and don’t feel.bad or apologize.

  8. Sexuality can be very fluid for many, many people. Sometimes we don’t fall into a specific box or category. Sometimes a label isn’t appropriate. It’s best to learn how to be secure in your sexual feelings and trust where your heart’s desires lead you. Experimenting is a very normal and healthy way to journey along that road of self-discovery.

    Whatever you do, make sure you’re safe and remember that self-love and care are the most important aspects to being fulfilled in your sexuality.

  9. Don’t get caught up on labels, it’s practically the root of all evil with people needing to identify themselves. Just say fuck it. I like what I like. If you find someone attractive, it doesn’t have to be for any general reason.

  10. Maybe try not to overthink what your sexuality is. If you like someone then just go with it. Enjoy yourself

  11. Find people you like. Hopefully they like you back. Befriend them. Fuck them.

    That’s it. No one else cares. Design your life to maximize your own pleasure.

  12. iirc there is a specific subtype sexual preference floating around that people are calling ‘finsexual’, which is short for “feminine in nature…sexual”. Attraction to feminine qualities.

  13. You may be feeling confused because you are trying to rationalize some false assumptions about how things work. Likely you’ve been taught either directly or indirectly that you should like men or women in a binary system. This implies that A – you should choose like a light switch, and B – kind of implies the concept of ‘man’ and ‘woman’ are easily definable. Humans are made up of traits, features, concepts, etc – any single one of which your brain could find appealing/attractive/sexy/desirable. None of these things need to match up either, meaning you could like two traits even if they both can’t be present like being tall or short, thick or thing, or not care at all about some traits at all! So remove the assumption that you should only like one gender, since everyone of that gender isnt the same anyway so its just silly. You like attractive traits in people – what is attractive is to you is totally what ever. If enough attractive traits are in one person, then you like that person. Just try to think about why you like the things you like, even if just to yourself, as to avoid some manipulations and pitfalls.

  14. Sounds like you’re bisexual.

    Don’t worry too much about what type of men or women you’re attracted too. That can vary a lot over time or even depending on your own mood.

  15. Well it sounds like you know what sorts of people you’re attracted to – what more do you need to know? If it’s a label you’re looking for you might be bisexual, pansexual, or queer, but labels aren’t for everyone.

  16. I struggle with the same issue myself and my therapist said it’s not who you sleep with it makes you gay or straight it’s who you fall in love with

  17. Male here…. I love men who look feminine, and females who look more masculine like strong features. My partner (female) has a strong jaw line, strong back, broad shoulders, not jacked but pretty toned. Who knows, u just like what u like.

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