I(28m) don’t like to dance in general, maybe if I feel like or someone it’s willing to dance with me and I feel confortable with the situation I do, but most of the time I don’t like to dance, I don’t have anything against it, neither I feel insecure dancing or being physical… I just don’t like it most of the time.

This has put me into situations when I am not in the vibe of the place because everyone but me it’s dancing and it’s a huge disadvantage when it comes to socialising. Also talking with people in this kind of situations it’s harder because the music is loud and normally dancing is funnier than sitting and chatting.

If people want to invite me to dance I say stuff like “lol I’m not drunk enough yet, give me a couple of hours” or “nah I don’t like to dance”. It kinda works but I’m wondering if there is an stylish way to act about this.


Also, I need to be honest, I actually envy people who enjoy dancing but I’m just uncapable of enjoy it, do you think this could change?

  1. If you envy them, go dance then. The only thing preventing you is telling yourself you don’t like it. I’m no fan of dancing, especially to music i don’t know how to dance. But if I’m out trying to socialize, I’ll fake it till I make it on that dance floor. You draw more attention to yourself by not dancing and not good attention at that. Most of the time people are glad you did dance. I work security at a nightclub, I watch people who can’t dance constantly attempt to dance and they tend be making more friends than the the person just standing at the bar all night. Lastly, if you really don’t like dancing don’t go to clubs with dancing. There’s gotta be at least one place in your are that doesn’t have dancing like a coffee shop or dive bar

  2. If it’s an once in a blue moon situation especially at house parties, you probably know most people there. If not then it’s the same vibe as a nightclub, your just now standing in a living room. Go dance with your friends. If you are cool enough to be invited to someone’s house party, I doubt if anyone cares if you can or can’t dance. No body wants a wet blanket at a party, some times personal growth is doing things you don’t want. Just go do it.

    There’s also nothing to understand about dancing, so don’t overthink it either. Humans have been dancing since we could bang rocks together for music. It’s a basic human form of non-verbal communication. Body language is 55% of communication, and its not what you say but how you say it. Body language included

    Edit: this was supposed to be a reply but I fucked up

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