For context we are both college freshman and have been dating for around 8 months now.
This is the first serious relationship I’ve had where I feel safe and respected and truly happy and my current situation is stressful. I recently started to accept my attraction to men and it’s been difficult trying to process these feelings while in a relationship. I keep on having dreams where I date men and it’s upsetting me. How do I adress these feelings when I don’t want to stop dating my partner?

  1. Sexuality isn’t black and white, it’s a very fluid spectrum. I think, at your age especially, it’s something you find out about yourself over a period of time

  2. I mean you might be bisexual. I was in a similar situation with my ex husband and ended up telling him I wanted to be with him and also date other people especially girls. Except I had been married to him for 7 years and I grew up Mormon so my parents pressured us to get married when I was 19. It was too much for him and we didn’t end up staying together. Now though, I’m in a great relationship with primarily a girl, I have side relationships with a couple, and another man as well. I feel a lot better living the way I feel is truest to what I really want out of dating and emotional/sexual relationships. So my advice is really ask yourself what you want. If it is to explore this urge then be honest with your partner. If they no longer want to be in a relationship with you after the revelation that’s their right, but you gotta be honest about what you’re feeling.

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