Aside from being ridiculously handsome, intelligent, charming, and modest of course.

  1. In the effort of mental health I have been keeping track of my mood on a scale of 1-5 every day for exactly 1,568 days in a row now. I originally only planned to do it for a single year.

  2. I own a 3rd generation rock crushing/excavation/trucking company that was started by my grandfather about 60 years ago. Within 3 years of my cousin and I owning it, we have acquired 3 quarries that have widened our profit margin to crazy levels never really thought of. Pretty goddamned happy- and my employees are, too.

  3. I am Lakota, the last I checked, Lakota Language had 6000 native speakers, and the average age of those speakers was 73.

    I speak Fluent Lakota, I. Teaching my Wife Lakota (she’s getting pretty good too! I’ll speak to her In Lakota and she’ll usually respond in English but her ability to understand Lakota is getting super good.)

    She has also agreed to raise the children (should we have any) bilingual with English and Lakota

  4. Saving a kids life.

    Complete chance encounter. We were suppose to go canoeing on the river but as we were setting in I noticed a crack in the bottom. So we quickly changed plans, headed to the lake. We were sitting on a dual floaty when the wife noticed a kid in all the dozens of swimmers going under. By the time she said “I think that kid is drow..” My head snapped around and I was in the water. Long swim, went under and came up behind him and locked him in. Then the kid with him trying to hold him up wrapped his hands around my neck and I had to swim back with two kids worth of weight. Literally nobody else was noticing. My wife had gotten to shore, hit 911 and went for a park Ranger station. By the time I reached shore I carried the one kid (the other let go when he could touch) to the grass and put him on his side, he barfed water and started coughing and I collapsed from the exhaustion.

    By then crowds were forming, a pair of screaming moms wondering if their kids were ok and then I got the energy to move to our spot at the lake. Rangers and cops showed, tons of questions, EMT’s hauled him off and I proceeded to get drunk.

    Kid ended up ok, overnight as a precaution. Family was happy. We bar hopped home and my wife had it plastered on social so people were liking.

    Then that was it, it’s hardly ever been mentioned again.

  5. My household income is 3 times that of the household I grew up with 1/3 the people. I didn’t develop many wants when I was young so I basically have everything I want, I work a remote job that is relatively easy, and I am happier at 28 than I have ever been in my life.

  6. I was always kind of a pussy growing up but after 4 years in the marine corps I finished with a navy achievement medal for leadership on my last deployment

  7. When I was about 30, I played in a men’s hardball league run by the county. I had a batting average over .800, but nobody believes me when I tell them so I don’t talk about it. Next closest guy in the league hit .488.

  8. I was on a date in a local bar. Some guy friends of her were playing low stakes poker in the back room and were acting like they just saw Casino Royal for the first time. Long story short I went all-in with a bluff and won, gave my earnings to some girls who were also playing but already out and left the bar with my date.

  9. I’m the first person in my extended family to graduate college with the exception of my dad.

  10. My Medieval Dark Fantasy setting I’ve created as a DM for a DnD game. I don’t get to talk about it much, even to my players. Mostly because I’m not prompted to

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