TL;DR, my bf’s friends keep telling him, who in turn tells me, that they think I hate them because of my demeanor. It’s starting to wear me down. I do not have problem with them.

My bf and I have been together for just under 1.5 years. When we’d first met, ‘V’ and ‘R’ were some of the first of his friends that I’d been introduced to. Upon meeting, I felt a personal need for their acceptance because 1) im just like that 2) they’d been his friends since high school, so his oldest friends (save for one), and 3) they didn’t like his ex *at all* (within reason: serial cheater and generally rude to their friend group). A few months pass, and I feel like I can call them more than acquaintances: we do dinner, game nights, the sort. Things are good.

As of late, my bf and I have been having frequent arguments. This much is necessary context, but I do not wish to discuss this part any further. Somehow, VR (we usually address them as a unit and vice versa) have been around or on call during a portion of multiple of these arguments; understandably, I am not too jovial during these periods. I need make it clear that I *never take it out on them whatsoever*. I work in the service industry so I usually just tap into my customer service skills: succinct replies and small smiles. If they ask me if anything is wrong, I blame my period, chronic pain, or work (usually the culprit the other 50% of the time anyways). I thought it was working, apparently not.

My bf lately has been relaying to me when they express that they feel like I’m upset with them, or generally just don’t like them. Which, refer to the previous paragraph, is quite frequent as of late. For a little more context, I am not by any means an outgoing person; I’m an introvert and neurodivergent on top of that because why not. So, it’s not like I went from super bubbly to deflated balloon; from my perspective I have been acting in a very normal albeit tired way. V also shares multiple traits of the same neurodivergence, so I had really hoped that would give me some leeway. I guess it’s not good enough.

The problem is that I don’t know what would be good enough anymore. This has been going on for about 3-4 months now and when it started, I would really overcompensate and try to be that super bubbly person to mitigate their beliefs but , and please spare my dramatics, I have been through so much with finally cutting people out of my life and trying to be authentic to myself that I just don’t have the heart or the energy to care anymore and I’m at a loss of how to proceed. I’m only looking for advice due to the importance of them to my bf.

Lastly, a hunch that I have: V made a joke that made me and my bf *very* uncomfortable a few months prior, which led to another argument between just him and her, and he ended up not speaking to her for a couple of weeks. They’re fine now, but it feels like that was the catalyst to all of this. Figured I would throw it out there.

1 comment
  1. So when you go DIRECTLY to V to talk about this, what happens?

    Or are you just getting it filtered through your boyfriend?

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