What was the last movie you watched that was really bad?

  1. Cosmic Sin,

    I was excited for a new Bruce Willis Sci-fi since Fifth Element is in my top 10.

    I was so wrong, I couldn’t finish it.

  2. Winnie the Pooh Blood and Honey. i thought it’d be funny bad but it was just regular bad 🙁

  3. Body body body. I mean I sort of guessed a plot twist was on its way but damn that’s two hours of my life cheated LOL

    And life or pi. Its super award winning but I find it the most boring thing I’ve ever watched

  4. The boxing one with Christian Bale. Hated it, and so did the other people I went with.

  5. Nuttiest Nutcracker (1999). I was browsing Amazon Prime looking for something dumb to watch and boy did it deliver. It’s like a terrible knock-off Barbie and the Nutcracker but with vegetables. Oh, and did I mention it’s a musical? It was hilariously bad.

  6. Aquaman. Watched it twice because I didn’t remember watching it the first time….still can’t remember it.

  7. “Nope.” The first half was good but I’m convinced Get Out was a fluke and Jordan Peele doesn’t actually know how to end movies.

  8. It’s a toss up between The Hills Have Eyes 2 (2007) and a Korean movie that I forgot the name of. The first one because it was a little too much for a movie with an R rating. The second one because it was so long and boring (Tubi has some hidden gems on it but this movie was 2 hours long and not worth watching)

  9. Bridget Jones HOLY SHIT THAT IS SUCH A TERRIBLE MOVIE so in redibly stupid, sexist, transphobic, misogynistic, racist, fatphobic just everything that should not be portrayed in a movie like that in a movie like that infuriating

  10. The Dead Don’t Die with Adam Driver and Bill Murray.

    I get it was supposed to be campy but it was just downright bad.

  11. I really really hated Don’t Look Up. Awful awful wish I could wipe it from existence

  12. Creators the past

    Terrible, terrible sci fi/cospiration/whatever tf that is, see for yourselves if you like bad movies lol

  13. Y’all know nothing about “bad” movies until you’ve seen *Noah’s Shark (2021)* in it’s entirety.

  14. Licorice Pizza

    I should have just turned it off, but reviews RAVED. And I just felt complicit in child exploitation.

  15. Magic Mike – the new one. It was so awful, everyone looked awful and I felt oddly annoyed after watching it.

  16. The Ritual Killer.

    It has Morgan Freeman in it, so I assumed it would be good. It was confusing, disjointed, had some unnecessary additional story lines which contributed nothing to the main story, and barely focused on what was supposed to be the main storyline.

    It had potential to be great, but ooooff it was so bad.

    Also, the latest Jurassic World and Avatar. Walked out of both movies.

  17. Run, sweetheart, run. Whoever made the trailer deserves an award for making it seem watchable.

  18. The new Marilyn Monroe movie on Netflix..it was the worst movie I’ve ever seen idk why I forced myself to finish it

  19. Moonfall. It was so stupid. Like…painfully stupid to the point that I couldn’t even finish it.

  20. End of the Road with queen latifa and ludacris lol surprisingly I finished it but at the end I asked myself why?

  21. Family Possessions (2016)

    My boyfriend and I picked it for our most recent bad horror movie night and it didn’t disappoint in that department

  22. 7 women and a murder. It s an Italian movie. It was supposed to be a sort of thriller But to Me, it seemed like a Theatre play.

  23. Spencer (2021). I couldn’t finish it, it was so boring. Maybe it’s too highbrow for me, but it was just a drag.

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