Men are more likely to play the lottery than women. Why?

  1. Men have a higher risk tolerance. The more you play the more you risk staying poor. Women have more sense.

  2. Men are higher risk takers because similarly to other mammals like deer, men naturally need to outcompete other men to get laid

  3. Men are generally more tolerant of risk. I guess it should also be noted that men are slightly more likely to have financial independence, and therefore be able to gamble

  4. For the same reason men gamble more than women. Not exactly sure the science behind it but it’s just what it is. Probably because men aren’t as risk averse as women or something like that.

  5. men typically are more likely to take high risk life-threatening jobs than women, so the idea that we play the lottery doesn’t really surprise me at all.

  6. Because sadly, men are still expected to be providers in a relationship which is becoming harder nowadays. Gambling seems like the only way to fill that role for many men. Not just lotto, but stocks and crypto, too.

  7. because women have more chance to win millions of dollar by getting a rich boyfriend than lottery

  8. All I ever see is women buying lottery tickets. Maybe more men play the lottery, but the women that do play the lottery buy most of the tickets.

  9. Men are more likely to bear the financial responsibility of supporting their family. If you ask people what they would do if they win the lottery, a lot of them say they would quit their job. So it stands to reason that you have less incentive to play the lottery if you already don’t work, or your job is less stressful.

    If you boil it down to its essence though, we still have expectations of men that result in them spending more time thinking about and more motivation towards money. It’s also one of the reasons choose less well paid jobs (which is the main reason for the pay gap). Men have more social pressure to forgo a job that makes them feel good in favour of one that earns as much money as possible.

  10. As other have said, you see a lot of older ladies buying more lottery and scratch offs.

    But I’ve never seen a woman bet on a sport.

  11. Because men are inherently less risk averse and taking the risk of gambling in hope of hitting a jackpot is just an expression of that. Hunting btw is too. Gathering food like berries – not too risky, you might not find too many, but you can almost always find something; hunting a mammoth – you could die, but if you land the kill you gain a shit ton of food, plus materials for clothes and tools.

  12. Men are more likely to feel like they have to provide for the family. Some believe gambling and lotters is easy money for nothing.

  13. Women are better at math, probably. They are also less likely to be the financial providers for their family, and thus have less pressure to produce income.

  14. Risk-taking combined with the low cost. If the lottery hits like $100 million, well, a ticket only costs a $2 or $3 and the prize is pretty big if you win.

    I know someone who won a few hundred thousand dollars in the lottery. It was a big jackpot but he only got a few of the numbers right.

    He invested the money in a local company here in town right at the economy took off a few years ago and he made a shit ton of money.

    Of course, I’m a big hypocrite on this because I’ve only played twice ever.

  15. We are pressured to work our entire lives, forever, nonstop.

    So it’s a fantasy itch to scratch to just wake up one day and not need to.

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