Once a week? Month? Year?

  1. I’d say a few times a week at least, but my bar for “romantic” might be low. But he has a ton of little actions that make me feel loved.

  2. We’re not romantic. Our version of romance is cuddling on the couch while watching wrestling, and we do that several times each week.

  3. I’d say maybe once a week. Maybe theyre not “big” gestures but I like simple things like him giving me a call to know how my day was/to talk about something that’s bothering me, making sure I’m doing ok, offering to bring me medicine, etc

  4. I’d say several times a week, most commonly things like bringing me breakfast, buying me random little treats, sharing with me comics&socialmedaposts that make him think of me and make me feel loved and seen. He also buys me gifts at random times. Before we moved in together he made sure to have snacks at his place he knew I liked, regardless of wether he liked them.

    On top of all the thoughtful acts he does, he tells me how I make him feel and compliments me (appearances, personality & actions) frequently.

    Yet somehow he had been led to believe than he’s not romantic and not affectionate. He is one of the most affectionate, kind, expressive and thoughtful people I know.

  5. Big grand gestures: every year or so (like planning a surprise weekend away for my birthday, remembering something I said I wanted for my birthday 10 months prior when I totally forgot about it, etc)

    Small gestures: every week or two (bringing home flowers, getting me a book I wanted, etc)

    Regular romance: several times a week (topping off my drink, turning on my electric blanket when it’s cold and I’m not in bed yet so it’ll warm up for me, adulting like an equal partner in the relationship, etc. Sure it’s basic consideration but some of the stories I’ve seen online… The bar is low out there lol)

  6. Pretty often actually. Last week he bought me flowers because he saw them and knew I’d like them. A few days ago I had an awful day at work so he bought me a bunch of my favorite snacks. Yesterday he found a patio furniture set on FB marketplace and went to buy it because it’s mid century modern and I’ve been wanting something to let us eat dinner on our covered porch.

    He’s always thinking about me. He’s the absolute best.

  7. Small gestures- cuddling, backrubs, affirming words, etc- daily. Slightly larger gestures like flowers and date nights- maybe once a month? (It’s definitely gotten harder with kids).

  8. Very often, it’s so nice. He’ll make me food, take me out shopping, we’ll go on weekend getaways, lots of dates even though he’s gotten more busy with work

  9. I’m very lucky in that my husband does “little” things everyday. A sweet note, making my coffee, waking up just to start my car when it’s cold, a post he saved all day til I got home to share, rubbing my feet on the couch after a long shift, making me breakfast in bed on my day off. There’s just something every single day that shows me I’m his priority and he’s been thinking about me and I find that incredibly romantic.

  10. We send each other a lot of romantic messages, but due to being long distance, I guess we don’t *do* that many romantic things for each other ? They’ll order food for me like once every couple of month for a date or an anniversary, and we’ll give each other very nice gifts, but we keep the romance for when we visit each other. Then usually it’s a lot of cooking for each other, doing little acts of services the other appreciated, plus we each plan at least one date a week.

    I’m looking forward to see how we’ll settle once we actually live together and how often we end up doing romantic things for each other

  11. I’m less one for romance and more one for genuine gestures that lessen my load. My SO does chores, does my laundry, will get food for me if he’s out, considers me in all of his big decisions and social calendar, and makes space for me if I need to talk or vent or just be. Occasionally he will give me a really long hug or look at me for a couple seconds longer in a way that feels like he’s simply appreciating. I will take this over any contrived candlelight dinner or flowers.

  12. I’m a pretty hopeless romantic so it’s very easy for me to see things my SO does for me as romantic.

    He will make sure I have food for my lunches (I tend to forget to make lunch for work), he offers to get me things so that I don’t have to get up (last night it was ice cream), he opens car doors for me, holds my hand…he does the holiday specific stuff like flowers for Valentine’s and gifts for Christmas but he always manages to make me feel like the most important person in the world to him everyday.

    I love him very much.

  13. I guess it depends on what counts as “romantic”. Look into my eyes lovingly during sex? Text me to tell me he loves me and is thinking about me? Bring me my favorite drink or treat? Show me something he found online that he knows I’d be excited about? Little stuff like that happens every day. Big gestures like candles and rose petals or surprise dinner dates are more rare, but we have a kid and I think he knows I don’t place that much value in grand displays anyway.

  14. i realize that i legitimately get a present from him every single day. even if it’s something small. his nickname for me is “pretty girl”. he gives me back rubs often. he tells me every day how loved and cherished i am. he pays for my therapy. on valentine’s day, he got me a mercedes. in march, we got engaged and he took me to a beautiful place to propose. he’s currently planning a european vacation for us. he is romantic every single day and never misses a moment to make me feel adored. he’s the most wonderful man ever.

  15. 7 out of 10 times i see him, he’s always got a gift, flowers, plants, my favorite tea, books, and letters he writes me. we both are big on expressing all of the love languages with each other so this energy is super reciprocated

  16. Everyday. Making coffee. Cuddling w me. Bring a grrat parent to our child. It’s the little things.

  17. Me and my SO have been together for just about 2 years now and every romantic thing we’ve ever done I’ve planned. The most romantic thing he’s ever done for me is give me a necklace at an event I planned for us to go to, he’s never planned any dates, never comes up with date ideas, never pays for at least his part of the date, and basically does nothing, the only thing he ever plans to do with me (and he has openly expressed this) is to have sex. So yeah, maybe once every 1½ years he will do something (mildly) romantic.

  18. Every single day, he’ll tell me how much he loves me and how beautiful I am and sing me songs….he just always makes time for me even though we live at a distance and only see each other one weekend every month.

  19. My husband always does small romantic things for me. Making dinner, lighting candles, preparing a bubble bath for me. 3 years in and he still buys me flowers several times a month. He just bought me a playstation 5 and Hogwarts Legacy because I was so excited to play it when it came out for the Switch that he bought me. But he didn’t want me to have to wait.

  20. I’m not entirely sure what counts as romantic, aside from the things you see on TV (candle light dinner, running a bath, serenading, giant bouquet of flowers, rose petals on the bed, breakfast in bed,…)

    But here’s some small things my husband does regularly that make me feel loved: He makes me a cup of coffee every morning if he hasn’t left for work yet when I wake up. He brings me a jigsaw puzzle when he’s out getting groceries (for some reason Aldi here has some pretty frequently, and I’m not complaining). He’ll bring me a new snack to try, or one he knows I like even if it’s not on the shopping list. He’ll bring me a single rose when he’s been tending them in the garden. He sends me pictures of garden stuff I might want when he’s running errands. He comes into the bathroom when he hears the shower shut off to help me out of the tub, because showers make me wobbly on my feet. He brushes and dries my hair for me if he’s home when I wash my hair.

  21. I suppose it depends how we all define something romantic.

    My husband is excellent at creating moments every day that are those pause and really sink in to each other moments of love, but for the larger gestures, that’s nearly never and is something I tend to carry the load of, like getaways or out of the house dates.

    I do occasionally wish he’d do a big one and I think I’d feel more cared for if he did, but I’m not dissatisfied with this balance as well 🙂

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