I told a close guy friend (lets call him M) of mine that i thought his close friend (his name will be L) was cute. I thought admitting this was fine..

But later L called me up to tell me that M has actually had a crush on me. He wanted to tell me because M had been feeling down about me talking to him about who Im interested in.. I didnt reciprocate so I thought it best to confront M honestly. He told me that hes fine that I dont feel the same and that he didnt have intentions with dating me or anything but that hes been trying to get over me. he said that its been an on-and-off sort of crush since around summer of 2022 and it’s spring 2023 now. Right now our friendship feels pretty much the same as ever, theres no awkwardness about his confession.

But M also told L that I think he is cute. I asked L if he knew I thought so, and he said he didnt believe M at first. L and me have been talking more and i think im starting to catch feelings.

A funny note though is L keeps finding similarities between me and his ex from around the pandemic era.. Well just his ex and my music taste and that we like his voice but comparing me to his ex feels like it has some meaning to it.

But knowing that M likes me is still about 2 weeks fresh and I feel like itd be dick-ish that I like L when I know this. I wanna ask L to hang out or go on a date.. but Im not sure..

TL;DR: i think my friend’s friend is cute but my friend likes me. im not interested in him though. we’ve all known this for like 2 weeks. i caught feelings for the guy i think is cute, but would it be bad for me to try dating him ?

i also dont rly have that much dating experience i havent dated anyone in like a year

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