tl:dr gf broke up with me because she of her mental health

TW– 20[F] here and my ex 21[F] broke up with me because of mental health issues? We were together like 7 months. They said that they are at risk for hurting themselves and because of that they can’t be with me anymore because they wouldnt want to put someone through the pain if they did go through with it. I offered to work with them and try and help but they wernt interested in that. They said as much as it hurts them to leave me, they have to. I dont understand. Anyone else been through something like this? I miss them so much, it’s been a week since I saw them and texted them. Any advice would be appreciated.

  1. Your ex sounds like she could be activity suicidal or at least having a real struggle with her mental health. Can you contact their support network (parents etc?) They should be aware of the reasons they broke up with you and their remarks as it indicates that they are on a downward path and could harm themselves.

    You can also call your local suicide hotline to get more specific advice for your area and the people they can get in contact with.

    Your ex may be angry at you for doing this a lot first, but it sounds like they need real help.

  2. Either she isn’t mature enough to tell you the real reasons or she isn’t mature enough to work be in a relationship. Its a win win for you, even if your heart hurts now. I’d give her some space and be supportive if she needs it’s it. That’s the best move for reconciliation. If you hover over her romantically when she doesn’t want it you will lose her forever. Personally I’d move on romantically.

  3. Sometimes people aren’t ready to be in relationships. Having serious active mental health issues like suicidal thoughts is a pretty good reason.

    A good relationship involves being able to give and support each other. She can’t do that if she’s got these issues, and while you may be willing at first, being involved with a suicidal person will drain you and burn you out because it’ll be so one-sided.

    And there’s the risk that they actually follow through and kill themselves. You don’t want to be in a position where, even though you weren’t responsible for their suicide, you’ll sure feel like you were.

    Your ex- is taking a good, healthy step by breaking up, because she’s not ready, and she doesn’t want to drag you unnecessarily down into the same mental health pit she’s in right now. Take that gift from her for what it is, and respect it.

    Source: someone whose clinically depressed ex killed themself.

  4. Well, she’s either telling you the truth…or she’s not.

    If she’s telling you the truth, you dodged having to deal with the issues caused by her mental health. If she ain’t telling the truth, you dodged having to deal wiith whatever issues caused her to lie.

    Either way, you dodged having to deal with unnecessary nonsense. Move on.

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