Men of reddit — What are some books for how to grow as a person? Any focus is useful: emotional, social, discipline, literally how-to, etc. Unfortunately, googling is producing a lot of “How to be a man (of God)” or “How to be a man (so you can get more ladies)”. Thank you!

  1. The Lord of the Rings. Self-help books are garbage and do nothing but make money for con-artists.

  2. I like books about philosophy. Not dude bro philosophy from “self help” gurus, but books written by actual philosophers.

  3. The self help genre is a fucking scam but if there is one book I recommend every single man to read, it’s Models: attracting women through
    Honesty by Mark Manson. The lessons go beyond learning about attraction

  4. Man’s Search for Meaning is often mentioned as a favorite book of all. It’s not light reading, but it’s relatively short yet profound.

    Otherwise I lean more towards philosophy (epistemology is a fav branch), classical & behavorial economics, & psychology/neuroscience…rather than self-help, affirmations, how-to, etc. Awareness & understanding of our minds, behaviors, biases, and reasoning goes a long way to avoiding errors of judgment. Along these lines I thoroughly enjoyed On Being Certain by Robert Burton.

  5. Manhood for Amateur’s by Michael Chabon

    This is half a memoir but I enjoyed the author’s writing style and his take on being a man in modern day. He takes a look at how his upbringing and childhood shaped his life, important people who shaped his life, and intentional choices he made as a father and man. Take time to reflect as you read as it deals with a lot of masculine stereotypes and how the author views and deals with these issues.


    Let’s Talk About Hard Things by Anna Sale

    A lot of it had to do with when I read it but this book really helped change my attitude towards life. It focuses on handling difficult conversations around money, sex, death, family, and identity. It talks about how to handle these conversations respectfully and tactfully without shying away or being awkward about subjects. This really changed my view on how to navigate and handle conflict in my personal life and has helped immensely in that regards.

  6. Ikigai
    Marcus Aurelius: Meditations
    Jordan Peterson 12 Rules for Life and 12 More Rules for life
    Extreme Ownership by Jocko Willink

    JP is controversial for some BS reasons but these books helped me turn my life around

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