I’ve been questioning my fiances feelings towards me recently after a few instances have occurred. You can read about them on my main profile if you’d like. I just had a gut feeling lately no actual proof. I looked up if there was a way to see a phones activity and Google told me how to do it. I followed the steps to see my own activity and it showed the general like what apps were opened and whatnot but not exactly what I did on the apps. So when I got home for work today, I got on his laptop and did this. It showed me that he downloaded tinder and snapchat today and has accessed them both multiple times throughout the day.

I scrolled back and saw him accessing and downloading tinder for multiple days little did I know the activity went back to 2022. I stopped looking when I saw it was 2022. I have a spicy subscription based account that he talked me into making for side money. He claimed that he viewed instagram, OF, and other chat based things to get me ideas. He never gives me ideas. I was dumb enough to look past this. He showed me his OF account tho and he didn’t sub to anyone. I couldn’t let it go and forget about it which led me to this.

I’m numb, I feel like crying, I don’t know how to confront him and I’m scared to because well getting yelled at gives me massive anxiety. We have a daughter 1yo, I want to confront him and leave immediately afterwards but I have nowhere to go.

  1. For 3 years you’ve been posting about what a huge piece of shit he is, and of course you went and had a kid with him.

    What are you even asking for advice on? You’ve apparently ignored all the advice for the last 3 years you’ve gotten, so what the hell do you want?

  2. Girl, at a certain point you’re choosing the live that you’re living. You’ve been choosing this man for 3 years. Stop.

  3. He’s gonna do whatever he wants to do, like he’s been doing. If you wanna stay, stay knowing he’s a cheater. You don’t have to keep snooping now.

    If you wanna go, you’re gonna have to make it happen somehow. What other options do you believe that you have?

  4. I mean lol you don’t listen to advice why bother posting, your gonna be with this guy until he’s tired of you and moves on to some other girl with just as poor self esteem who he thinks is more attractive. Should of left three years ago instead you had a child, maybe your into him sleeping with other woman?

  5. Your post history is exhausting. Do you want to live like this forever? Do you want to show your daughter that it’s okay for her to be treated like that in a future relationship?

  6. I can only feel bad for you until a certain point. You’ve known this man is awful, yet you still stayed and even had a kid with him. You completely disregard the advice given to you, so what is it that you want? He will not change. It’s up to you to decide that you want better for yourself. Until then, this is your life

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